Digital media and advertisement

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Media

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According to surveys above 90% of customers are influenced in their decision to buy online (Kovarik & B. Before the advent of digital media various advertisement platforms existed for instance newspaper advertisement. Digital media involves online services which a not barred by geographical boundaries; the epicenter of digital adverts has been the US and extending to other countries. In the pre-internet periods, advertisements were carried out via devices such as billboards, olden televisions and the radio (Walsh, B. Ling,2014). Nowadays the motives of advertisement have changed; in contrast to the earlier times, instead of selling mentality advertisements today aims at product awareness and community building (Walsh, B. Ling,2014). The product advertised is no longer the central theme in advertising. The main idea is to make a consumer believe that the product is just by the way its primary purpose is to provide solutions.

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This idea of emphasizing the provision of a solution to everyday problems rather than aim at advertising the product alone is becoming more common. This aims at making the customer to help in selling their products by the use of user-generated content. Publicizing products is a significant player in the market since well-advertised products tend to be bought at a faster rate. This is what initially led to the step to advertise, however, due to the recent challenges faced by advertisement, new tactics have to be applied. References Kovarik, B.  Revolutions in communication: Media history from Gutenberg to the digital age. Digitized media may be in the form of audio, video, text, and graphics. Therefore, digital media comprises all media content which is hosted on a website, for example, a newspaper, audio song or video adds contained on the site.

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Digital media has played a significant role in influencing politics of several countries such as the United States and other states globally. Some of these influences have been having a positive impact, negative influences or both influences on the politics. This essay discusses influences of digital media on politics in the United States of America and other nations across the world. Digital media has impacted positive, negative or both influences on the politics of the united states of America. Other countries which digital media have influenced their politics include Russia, Japan, and Egypt in Africa. Digital media have affected politics in these countries by changing the election campaigns, laws amendments and passing and also through public opinion views on politics as discussed below. Digital media has influenced politics positively in many countries such as united states of America.

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Besides, with the aim of most countries focusing to be digitized, it has resulted in high rate of usage of digital media electronics such as mobile phones and computers. Through digital media, Obama Barrack became highly profiled politician across the globe and contributed to the winning of his presidential election as the 44th president of the United States of America (Bimber, 2014). Some countries have trusted digital media for delivering free and fair democratic electoral process which is transparency. However, due to increased cybercrime activities such as hacking, hackers have been able to manipulate elections votes in favor of their favorite politician. This has made citizens to lose trust with digitized media when participating in elections. Manipulation of electoral votes has been evidenced mostly in African countries such as Kenya, and Nigeria which have ended up resulting election violence characterized by massive destructions of property and loss of lives.

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Bimber, B. Digital media in the Obama campaigns of 2008 and 2012: Adaptation to the personalized political communication environment.  Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 11(2), 130-150. Digital media and the influence on children Digital media has impacted a lot of influences on children whereby some have been positive and others negative. Today children who have been born during digital generation, their life is somehow different from the older generation who were not born in digital media period. Parents have been able to purchase digital electronic devices for their children purposely for doing research and entertainment. Meanwhile, this has also been evidenced in other developed countries such as Japan and Germany. Digital media has changed the lives of children either positively or negatively. Some of the positive changes include learning of essential health promotions. Through digital media, children are able to learn more critical aspects of health and nutrition.

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Today children, who have been born during digital generation their life is somehow different from the older generation who were not born in digital media period Digital. Digital media has changed the lives of children either in a positive way all negative way. The right use of digital media has always beneficiated children using them and also vice versa. References Holloway, D. Green, L. Outland et al, 2017). All the countries were on average at the same level in the technology applied. However, the starting point of online trading is taken to have been the 1990s. Some of the first online purchases in the US include a large pizza from the ‘pizza hut' and the ‘sting CD' sold by a retailer named NetMarket in 1994. The sector grew fast in the subsequent years.

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Smartphone users affected how the search results from online markets were prepared by the marketers since search results had to be formatted to be relevant to the gadgets. Such devices have made it easy to research on a product which results in a heightened competition in the online market. The social media has also been a significant player in the e-commerce (Chaffey & D. They have changed the way consumers interact with the eCommerce retailers. It has improved their bargaining ability. Lee, J. K. Liang, T. P. Turban, D.

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