Dirty dude Marketing Communications Plan

Document Type:Business Plan

Subject Area:Marketing

Document 1

The data gathered suggests the Dirty dude apothecary has a competitive advantage, heightened brand awareness through effective distribution channels, and a loyal customer base. Despite their competitive advantage, Dirty dude apothecary conducted a thorough examination of the market and formulated a strategy to gain market share in the small to medium business (SMB) segment. The IMC plan divided business firms and the number of their employees into subgroups in order to capture data that is measurable. In addition, Dirty dude apothecary will continue to review each market segment and that of its distribution channels to ensure the IMC plan is moving successfully. Dirty dude apothecary’s positioning initiative of innovation, quality, and entrepreneurialism is summed at approximately more than $300M. It launched the first batch of Wertz all-natural beard oil in fall of 2014.

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For me, a beard embodies gentlemen qualities such as patients and commitment balanced by a "life is an open road" mentality. All my personal care products are 100% organic, safe, plant-based and awesome. If you have a niche product that you seek to fill your store please contact me. I am a certified aromatherapist and love to formulate new products. The Dirty dude apothecary is a leader in the market presence for batch organic products supply; they continue to produce a new innovative product which is totally different from the existing. The consumer base for the Dirty dude apothecary is loyal and will continue to upgrade to the latest technologies offered by the company regardless of people’s capability to handle the oil products. The strengths of this company are local institutions, strong financial growth, brand reputation status, and the ability to lead the market with new and adverse production of more advances batch organic products.

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The company also has weaknesses, which includes higher price margins, decreased market shares, and the long-term market decline as opposed to some other companies. The scheduled release of the new Dirty dude apothecary was very exciting in the cosmetic industry; it was not the first company to produce such an item, there were several others created by competitors but their products could not be compared with from Dirty dude apothecary. The Dirty dude apothecary probably won’t start making oil. However, we do not need the same product with a lot of the same ingredients that already exist in the market. Market Segmentation and Target Market Analysis If the Dirty dude apothecary decided to create in other categories of the market, they would expand their customer base, expand profits, and because of the first choice brand of consumers worldwide.

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In this they would be able to create market segmentation within their own company and be able to divide their customer into categories based on similar consumer needs. Currently the batch organic products and similar products from the company all work together perform similar tasks or share the same user information. Consumers usually analyse for a proper branding of the company before they decide whether or not to buy the product from the same company. There exist a different variety of consumer’s base who would buy the company’s products on the fact that they are the Smith products alone. The might be the same process which might go through when the company releases a new product into the market. The Dirty dude apothecary has already been marketing their toy products as their most personal product.

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However, due to the fact that oil is only used by men, their consumption duration may not take so long due to the raster personhood transition. When we initially released the new modern oil into the market, they were sold in too many customers within a very short period of time. This is because the oil was very attractive and had unique features from the existing ones. This is largely in part of our branding and the customer loyalty that comes with that. The Dirty dude apothecary uses non Quantifiable tools to promote their brands through commercial and internets based platforms. The ability to promote through event marketing is the biggest marketing tools which has played our best advantage towards promoting sales to our customers. Coming up with an advertising campaign that shows the consumer the success and high job placement rates of the company is key to drawing in prospective members of the program.

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By offering dates and times for things such as tours within the company set up will help to finalize potential target customer opinions and minds of why they would like to attend this school’s institutions. By maintaining a clean, modern facility helps to add to the notion of why the company has such a prestigious reputation in the local community. Among the other tangible elements of the Dirty dude apothecary brand are the corporation's name and logo as well as employees and professors. The employees and professors actively engaging in the students learning are a key part of Smith branding and corporate image. If these outlets are used successfully they will reinforce the brand equity of the Smith by briefly summarizing what the company is all about in short amount of time; such as print ads, television commercials, and web-based media.

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With a degree such as Digital Marketing I believe internet advertising is going to be a key success factor in getting the brand out to the general public due to the fact that the demographic we are trying to reach out to is local cosmetic industries and more tech-savvy. Along with that theory, there is the obvious fact that a Digital Marketing degree will be heavily computer based in its functionality and the prospect we would like to attract will most likely see our Internet ads if properly placed in strategic positions. Although individual encounters with our advertising are important, so is the word of mouth aspect and this is where print and television ads will come into play. Even if the potential student did not personally see the advertisement in one way or another, by having things like magazine ads, billboards, or even television ads it spreads the reach of the message across several different classes of individuals.

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By setting up interactive booths to attract youthful visitors it can become a highly effective method of getting the company name out there. The whole goal of this would be to come off as a fun, inviting company open to accepting new students and allowing people to experience a little piece of what the institution is all about by bringing it to them instead of them having to actively seek us out. On that side of things, one other option we have for advertising this program is to offer an open house that we advertise around campus and surrounding areas that would include tours of all of the facilities on campus and a seminar explaining the Digital Marketing program and what we as a company have to offer them. By executing this successfully it would leave the attendees with the possibility in their mind and hopefully lead to a high enrollment rate at the start date of the actual program.

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Techniques to be used Due to its cost-effective nature and high rate of flexibility, E-Active marketing techniques should be the main focus when it comes to advertising the company’s products. The company’s demographics are men who pay more for quality than to go with cheaper competitors. Wertz has partnered with several toy supply events such as the NBA and the NFL. Sponsorships include Michael Jordan and International industries. The Dirty dude apothecary has evolved from the most successful learning products company of the 20th century is now a high mogul who specializes in all toy equipment. Smith communication tools include public relations (PR), sales advertising, direct marketing, retail sales, name recognition and traditional advertising. They prefer action and extreme learning programs, and are into competitive demonstrative learning mechanisms. The Gen Y and millennial mostly make up the target audience of the Dirty dude apothecary.

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The company uses print media to advertise about itself i. e. it uses sports magazines and illustrations and, newspapers The Dirty dude apothecary has such a powerful branding that is able to promote their products a little bit differently than their competitors or a new up and coming company. After the initial announcement and buzz that came from the announcement of the leaning oil that came at their event, Smith has relied on sources The objective of this advertisement is to make businesses aware of our digital marketing program with the intention of enrollment. Our target market for businesses is an institution which would wish to create a new learning program which would require the use of oil or any other learning methodology. This includes Best Buy, and local marketing companies.

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Key message Our message theme is building and growing with the modern times educational oil to ensure that the beauty programs in all the institutions go on as per the set objectives. The support of Dirty dude apothecary is to ensure that the localities of Brooklyn community New Jersey realize full benefits of the company’s products. The strategies for the Dirty dude apothecary includes reinforcing local and state educators’ belief in the usefulness of beauty oil, enlisting influential third-party endorsements (such as moms/dads and education bloggers), and demonstrating the success of the company product consumers. Examples of strategies will be provided repeatedly in class discussions and will be referred to in your weekly readings. Goals To reach sales targets in each market based on the demographics and volume of potential and to demonstrate how the Dirty dude apothecary programs have succeeded education programs customers.

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This section will also highlight the influence of the third party towards promoting the products of the company. In addition, it will also demonstrate how kids have shown their interest in the utilization of the company products. • Developing an open line of communication between the public and the company; and identifying the right channels of communication. Business Goals The Dirty dude apothecary has had the ability to capture the attention of the public prior to its release while it was still in the production phase. The ultimate goals, which the company aims to attain for the launch of the batch organic products will involve the following: • To thoroughly educate the internal markets of the batch organic products and its features • This will include making sure communication is effected between the company heads and its board, staff members, consultants, vendors and any other audiences that the company can identify as information is released.

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• To thoroughly educate the external markets of the product and its features. • This will include families, men, women and teens; retail agents, potential investors and other stakeholders. They can also be rewarded and recognized publically for their efforts in producing and launching the product. The public will see that the company believes in building its employees and value their opinions on the products. Staff will also be wearing and demonstrating the Smith produces, and share their experiences of the production process and how the watch has been an asset in their daily routine. • External factors The company will host trade shows to demonstrate the features of the product; and give the public the opportunity to try the candle features. Staff will be available for direct personal communication between the company, retailers and other consumers.

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• Radio appearance fees and live radio remote fees. • Travel expenses locally and globally. • Company paraphernalia and other promotional products to give to potential buyers as the press tour is carried out. Audiences and public Activities will include a host of public events where consumers can have a direct experience with the product and have their questions and concerns addressed. Events will be conducted at potential retail outlets, Smith stores worldwide, at trade shows, press conferences and most events related to technology and timepieces. This will include print ads, physical display hubs at events, paraphernalia items from the company, travel expenses, printed materials with product information. It will also include the use of promotional models who will mingle with guests at events while displaying the watch on their wrists; and showing buyers the features.

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Tactics The two most viable tools available to entice sales for small to medium business owners is to advertise on the apothecary website and in-person sales Integrated marketing communication (IMC) is a vital component of any company’s marketing mix. An IMC program provides support for the marketing program by creating the system through which an organization can standardize communication mediums throughout the entire firm (Ogden and Ogden, 2014). IMC tactics are the individual actions that put the IMC program into action. Data is collected to show how many hours students practice together and how many days per week they work in team settings. Product consumers will also provide information about how they apply they're after consumption services and assist others to utilize the same product. Quantitative data will be used because they are the only effective methods to provide qualitative data regarding the advancement of student’s in their class work.

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The combination of these elements will assist the evaluators in making a determination about the appropriateness and effectiveness of this program in meeting the community’s goals. Staff data showing the frequency of meetings, the turnover in staff, and training and hiring practices will allow for a determination of the forward progress and stability of the program. The most effective execution style will involve a combination of lifestyle and image. Regarding the current changes in the way of living, people require the message to have an image to create the visual impression necessary to pass the intended message. In addition, testimonial evidence may be essential to convince people that the product is worth purchasing. People normally find it worth purchasing a product that has been already been tested and proven to be efficient (Chitty, 2011).

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The major aim of creating an integrated marketing communication message is to create awareness to a particular market that a certain product exists. The several ask several questions regarding the utilization, access, source of the information regarding the products of the company. A sample questionnaire which was used is as shown below. • WEB1-Please tell me whether you have ever used the internet or any other social media to view or purchase our products. • WEB2-Does anyone in your household has an access to any or our product? What kind of response do they have regarding the quality services we on our products sales? • Have you ever viewed any photo, read a post on any social media account or our website or been informed by someone else in your household? • Has anyone ever told about our company before? Evaluation plan and results This is self-evaluation following a week training program attended on customer service and safety initiated by Excellent International, New York branch.

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In our research methods, we used cultural enhancement of the company staff in a move aimed at promoting quality service. Beard, H.  R.  Changes in oil used for frying sardines. Sacramento: State of California Fish and Game Commission. Beard, J.  2001 information management annual plan: Part II. Denver, CO: Commission on Information Management. First Nations Health Authority, 7 Nations of the Interior, First Nations Health Authority, & British Columbia.  Interior regional health and wellness plan: Interim plan. West Vancouver, B.  Welland Canals Parkway and Trails master plan. Cambridge: IMC Consulting Group. Jakacki, B.  C.  IMC: An integrated marketing communications exercise. Yukon Territory, IMC Consulting Group Inc, & Loeks Resource Analysis.  Hootalinqua north district plan. Whitehorse: Yukon Community and Transportation Services.

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