Nestle Masala Maggie Marketing Plan
Document Type:Business Plan
Subject Area:Marketing
A market plan is essential because it enables the business to stick to its course of action. It also outlines the manner in which the business should engage its customers, give the business a guide on how coordination of marketing activities for effective marketing should be done. The marketing plan revolves around effective advertisement, healthy public relations, strategic promotions and sales which results in an improved share of the market. Further, the market plan helps the business develop market products which meet customers' needs and expectation since a plan is executed based on the research findings (Holtbrügge, Dirk, and Anastasia, 2013). Additionally, a market plan enables the business to align its strategies in order to effectively perform as per the plan to meet the desired company goals and objectives. Efforts should be made to ensure communication reach the interior areas so as a good target group is made aware of the impending Maggie brand in the Boston market (Hariono, Lavenia, Lay, and Sarah, Primaputri, 2018).
Every communication made to the Boston people regarding the new product should create room for feedback from customers to help determine their opinion based on the brand. Therefore, the business should ensure they get feedback of the communication to the customers to ensure they rely on it for the success of the new product in the Boston market. The feedback ensures that the business comes up with the best possible product that matches the expectations of those targeted. Additionally, the research should establish the culture practiced by the people in Boston and determine their way of living. The business should carry out rigorous research on what the competitors offer the market and at what price to determine the range. The business should conduct an inroad in the Boston market and conduct market research in various forms.
They might use questionnaires which involve questions to and answers from customers. The business might also use face to face interviews which may involve asking customers direct questions regarding their knowledge of the existence of Maggie product and at how much they would like to buy the new product (Radzi, Khadijah, Mohammad, and Suhana, 2017). The implication is that customers should be involved in determining the price of the product in the Boston market. Lastly, the business should charge different prices for the similar product based on the potential witnessed amongst customer (Chen, 2016). Those in the urban areas of Boston should be subjected to slightly higher prices since people with a high income are less sensitive to high price while those in the rural areas should be subjected to lower prices since they are very sensitive to prices due to the lower income status.
Distribution and Place The business should initiate some strategies that will ensure nestle masala is evenly distributed within the Boston market. It should distribute the new product in the market based on the finding from the research concerning the geographic location of customers. For successful distribution of nestling masala Maggie brand in the Boston market, the business should ensure it has a strong distribution channel behind its name that facilitates the movement of Nestle Masala from production point to the customers base. The convenient stores in every corner of Boston improve the awareness about the existence of the new product amongst several people in the market. The convenient stores further improve the performance of the business in terms of sales as a result of strategic positioning. The business should, in that case, build or rather hire convenient stores in Boston to ensure the distribution of the new product is accomplished (de Jonge, 2014).
The convenient stores also ensure the steady supply of the Nestle Masala. Additionally, customers have a wide variety of Nestle Masala to choose from due to the convenience associated with strategic positioning. The business may also decide to offer after sales services to the target customers to encourage bulk buying as well. The business must ensure it has a competent marketing team that ensures the promotion services benefits both the customers and the business itself. The team should ensure that the advertisement and promotion have undertaken enhance the gains in optimal profit margin back into the business for the fluency in operation to be maintained. There is also a mechanism of product development which a business may apply in the Boston market to remain relevant. The product development mechanisms give room for the business to come up with new nestle masala varieties that attract customers in various ways hence its relevance among customers remains intact.
s11135-016-0407-1 de Jonge, C. Market access for small ventures in the pharmaceutical industry. Hariono, L. Lay, E. G. Nor, M. N. M. Ali, S. M. Diaspora and trade facilitation: The case of ethnic Chinese in Australia. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 27(3), 371-392. Varshney, N. Haselmayr, W. Guo, W.
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