Discharge Plan Essay

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Nursing

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An injury to acetabulum or the socket is not considered a hip fracture (Lowth, 2014). Discharge Plan Commonly, hip fractures happen when one falls with the hip directly facing the ground or any other rough surface of impact. It can also occur if the hip is hit directly by a heavy object. Other medical condition such as osteoporosis can make the hip more vulnerable to the fractures. If this disease is severe, a simple twist of the leg by standing on it can cause the fracture to occur. MRI pelvis will show the presence of marrow edema and a fracture line. This is the case of intracapsular fracture; there will be evidence of cortex disruption, primary compressive and tensile trabecular lines when compared with the normal hip (Epocrate, 2018).

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CT pelvis will demonstrate fracture of proximal femur. Extravascular fracture pattern relies on the balance and comminution of medial cortex. The three and four part intertrochanteric fracture with reverse obliquity will be taken to be unstable. One may have total the hip replacement or have screws or metal rods holding the fractured femur. Surgery should be performed within 24-48hours of patients’ admission, although patient with unstable health condition have to wait until stabilization. The aim of medical management is to ensure bone strength and reduce chances of future fractures. In preoperative stage most of the activities involve prevention of complications such as delirium, pain control and removal of tethers. Postoperative activities include checking excessive bleeding and infections i. The case manager should always visit the patient to evaluate the patients’ need for referral and also to ensure that they are getting the best care from the Rehab’ Center.

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Health Perception and Health Maintenance Pattern The patient should be taught on the negative effects of substance of abuse such as smoking and alcohol drinking (Doenges and Mur, 2016). The health care providers have to help the patient in quitting these habits. They should also educate the patient how alcohol and cigarette will delay the healing process of the bones and react with the pain killers. The hygiene and cleanliness should also be emphasized to avoid infection of the wound from poor handling and management. High fluids intake should also be high to allow body process to function normally and allow drug dissolution. Supplements such as calcium and vitamin D are also crucial for borne strengthening. Elimination Pattern Drugs are eliminated through the bowels, urine, skin and some through tears.

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This is evidenced by discoloration of stools especially for drugs with bismuth and iron. Urinary tract infections (UTI) should be checked and confirmed after the removal of catheters (Brunner, 2003). When driving, the patient should be able to comfortably operate the brake pedals and crutch. Driving when taking anesthesia is prohibited due to dozing out effect. The patient can return to driving after 4-6 weeks i. e. (Dougherty and Liste, 2015). (Gordon, M, 2014). Role and Relationship Patter It is important to assess that patient’s family structure, relationship at work and even understand their roles on the dependants. Hip fracture patients should resume work duties depending on the nature of the job. Those involved in light duties can return within 4-10 weeks after surgery.

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Those in active occupation will require more time until they are pronounced physically fit. Value-Belief Pattern The beliefs affect different patients’ willingness and pattern of therapy administration as they have different meaning of illness and suffering and the causes (Gordon, M, 2014). The carer should design a tailored therapy which adheres to the patients’ beliefs and faith. For instance, Muslims and Jews cannot take insulin from pork while a Catholics cannot take oral contraceptives. The discharge plan involves a process which should follow a logical sequence. The medic should evaluate the patient’s history and get the necessary subjective data. Elsevier Health Sciences. Epocrate (2018). Diagnosis tests and findings in Hip fractures. Retrieved on 31st March 2018 from https://online. epocrates. gov/pmc/pmc/article/PMC4064448https Hung and Siu (2012).

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