Discuss and evaluate the pan-mississippian world

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:History

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Research shows that massive cultural developments took place between 5000 and 400 B. C. the Midwestern North America transitioned from woodland culture to the Mississippian culture during this time. The Hopewell interaction sphere is used to interpret the common aspects of the development of the Native American cultural practices in the Midwestern North America (Yerkes 307). The prehistoric cultural development of the Pan Mississippian world was interpreted as advancements of different lifestyles. People learnt how to manufacture things from ceramic, using earthen ceramic mounds for burials and development of better living conditions. Neolithic societies that developed in the Midwestern are described as Mississippian (Yerkes 310). The Mississippian culture covered the southeast and Midwest North of America. Mississippian chiefdoms were the authoritative structures used to guide the Mississippi people during fifteenth and eighteenth centuries in Midwestern North America.

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A paramount chief governed a chiefdom. They expanded their territory to the east of Mississippi after the French and Indian war. Before becoming the President of the United State of America, George Washington was a surveyor. He discovered the beautiful scenery in Ohio valley and was interested in settling there. After the end of the American Revolution War, settlers from England bought large pieces of land, settled and contributed to the development of Marietta. The settlers were identified as “Yankees” since they were settlers from colonist communities (Mariettaohio. org 1). Veterans acquired land in Ohio using warrants issued by the American Federal government. Indian settlers that had initially occupied were not excited about the occupation of French settlers. Conflicts developed between the two communities, whereby, Indians began pushing the French settlers always forcing them to relocate to a different region.

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French defeated the Indians after a long period of warfare. This contributed to the development of sedentary farming practices for economic purposes. The settlers exchanged cultures that are embraced in the modern world. Religion and education are some practiced developed after the development of Marietta. The settlers began formulating practices that would bring community members together and contribute to the economic growth of their city. Ohio is better described as a city made of mobility, cupidity, and diversity. This means that the development of Cincinnati was not based on any founding visions or principles. Soldiers used this place as a station to launch wars. This contributed to the economic growth through the effects of war. For instance, business peole hoping to sell food clothing and basic requirements to the soldiers settled in Cincinnati.

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This means that the availability or development of war contributed to massive economic growth since it attracted peole willing to risk their lives to make money. Tobacco and Sisal productions were mainly made in the North. This contributed to the growth of slavery since plantation owners were focused on economic growth through free services offered by slaves. Slaves can be viewed as refugees since they were forced to develop settlements in foreign land due to harsh circumstances. Returning to their motherland was challenging since they lacked education hence could not formulate reliable strategies. The end of the American revolutionary war contributed to the implementation of founding visions that abolished slavery. Retrieved from: https://www. history. com/topics/black-history/slavery Mariettaohio. org. “History” Marietta.

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