Does depression affect women more than men
Document Type:Essay
Subject Area:Psychology
Lydia D Bjornlund, 9) The continuous mood of melancholy or lack concerned attention that characterize depression can cause a scope of actions and physical indications. These changes include lack of a good sleep, loss of appetite low self-esteem, a decrease in energy level and difficulty in concentration. At some point, depression gives the person a thought of committing suicide. Lydia D Bjornlund, 52) Depression can be treated with medication, talk therapy and at some point both are applicable. This treatment brings the brain to function normally. Deborah Western, 99) These percentages vary according to the gender. Depression is more common, about two times, in women than men. The reasons to this are not very clear but they are thought to include sex dissimilarity in hormones, gender dissimilarity in socialization, gender dissimilarity in managing style, dissimilarity in prevalence and response to stressful activities, social responsibilities, and influenced by culture, stress, symptoms, stigma, and diagnosis.
Archibald D Hart; Catherine Hart Weber, 46) 1. Sex dissimilarity in hormones. Dissimilarity in managing style According to research, females are termed to use greater emotion-focused, attentive managing style, examining the problems over in their brains, while the male term to use a major problem-point, diverting managing style to aid them in forgetting about the problem they are encountering. Research also shows that attentive managing style leads to longer and other dangerous incidents of depression and leads to a female being more exposed to depression. Social responsibilities and influenced by culture It has been hypothesized that the female housewives and mothers find their responsibilities lowered by the environment while the working women at times face inequality and job discrimination or there may be a feeling of conflict between their duties as a mum and wife and carriers.
Lydia D Bjornlund, 146) In relation to their social conditions, unfavorable life outcomes related with kids, housing activities or reproduction hit the females hard since they term these fields to be more important as a definition of who they are and may have an impression that there is no any other way to explain themselves when these fields are intimidated. Dissimilarity in prevalence and response to stressful activities According to research, women undergo more stressful life situations and have a higher sensitivity compared to the men. For women reporting the same and asking for treatment does not show more of stigma. Women have a higher probability of asking for help and discussion the mental health issues with their doctors. This shows that the women are comfortable starting a conversation on their interest and treatment, which cause a possibility of a good treatment.
Danuta Wasserman, 63) Though these do not entirely mean that women undergo their own barriers when treatment for depression is involved. About half of the women across the globe believe that depression increase as one is growing old and also it is common to mothers two weeks after delivery. These research calls for a celebration in both genders because it shows a positive progress in advanced mental health for the women and men. Conclusion In summary, depression is a mental health disarray characterized by a continuous depressed mood or lack of concerned attention in activities, leading to serious impairment in daily life. Its caused by a combination of several aspects which includes, psychological, genetics, biological, environmental and social origins of distress. Signs and symptoms of depression include, decrease in mood, reduction in interest and pleasure in the activities which seemed fun and enjoyable and less in sexual pleasure, loss in weight and appetite, insomnia and hypersomnia, psychomotor anxiety, psychomotor skill delay, tiredness, feeling unworthy and guilt, inability in making decision, and frequent thought of committing suicide.
From the research, we learn that depression is most common in the women than men. Hove, East Sussex, UK: Psychology Press, 1997. Print. Bottom of Form Top of Form Legato, Marianne J, and Laura Tucker. Why Men Never Remember and Women Never Forget. Emmaus, Pa: Rodale, 2005. Print. Bottom of Form Top of Form GOOD, RANKINE. Depression. British Journal of Medical Psychology. Print. Print. Bottom of Form Bottom of Form Bottom of Form.
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