Dont be evil google research

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Management

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Google’s motto previously read “don’t be evil. ” However, according to the code of conduct recently distributed by Google, the slogan has been removed. Since the year 2000, the motto ‘don’t be evil has been part and parcel of Google’s corporate code of conduct. Google as a company has always been a great example of how corporations should uphold integrity, hold themselves accountable and relate with the customers. Google’s intention is to be perceived as a responsible and trustworthy organization. ’ However, there are those who may argue that ‘Do the right thing’ imposes a greater burden on the company to act within the highest of standards, integrity, and character (Conger 2018). ‘Don’t be evil’ merely sounds like telling someone, ‘don’t go anywhere.

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’ Even though the term ‘evil’ is quite potent, it does not impose a severe burden. It is a shame that over the last few years, the bar for ethical conduct by corporations has been set so low. Part of the problem has been our insistence on companies to be ethical and seldom expect corporations actually to behave properly. Google’s change of motto is a PR Strategy Previously, the company has been subjected to continued sarcastic rejoinders, satire and criticism because of the tag line, “Don’t be Evil”, despite its best intentions. Every time the company transgressed or crossed a line, critics were very quick to point out the company’s slogan. In real sense, Google realized the slogan was doing more damage than good to the company (Taplin 2017).

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The company simply could not be able to uphold the kind of ethical standards expected by the public. This realization may have played a role in changing the slogan. The company recognized the fact that it may not still be capable of maintaining high ethical standards. The current slogan gives them a leeway to operate in an environment they cannot be criticized for not staying true to their motto (Erwin 2011). Therefore; Google may be seeking to feed off such a perception. It may be that Google does not want to be viewed as a perfect company, in line of present challenges. In doing so, Google is indicating that there things which corporations should be expected to do. The slogan ‘don’t be evil ‘was coined in the year 2000 as a way to define the company’s corporate values.

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Nonetheless, a decade later, the company has transformed into a corporate giant it previously hoped to avoid turning into. Across the globe, and especially in Europe, there are calls by anti-trust regulators for the company to be dismantled (Hassan 2018). Prior to the recent revision of Google’s code of conduct, they believe the company has been slowly moving away from its motto. Conclusion Generally, Google has effectively promoted ethical behavior within the industry. Also, the move may be an indication that Google has loosened its stance against ethical misconduct. In light of the presented challenges, the company may want to be held less accountable for some of the decisions made given their previous experiences (Shin et al. Despite being a move that may jeopardize the company’s relationships with some of its major stakeholders, it is a move that strikes a fair balance , because it encourages people to do the right but also saves the company from some of the harshest criticisms received over the past few years because of its previous slogan, ‘Don’t be Evil.

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