Drug and Alcohol Scoring Research
Document Type:Essay
Subject Area:Psychology
Introduction In these recent days, a lot of people have involved themselves in drug and substances abuse a thing that has adversely affected their health status. Today some of the negative results to human health that have come up as a result of these are diseases like; Cancers that has affected a lot of people. The sample tests are questionnaires that inspect on the consumption of alcohol (AUDIT) and drugs (DAST) and their effect to the human health, with the CAGE test outlining how individual consumers feel about their state of addiction and consumption traits. This paper will analyze the results of the two clients based on these three tests. In addition, the paper will conclude with a summary of the results of each client and also a recommendation of the further test to be carried out for the clients.
It indicates no degree of avoiding the alcohol consumption on the consumers as they are deep into its usage. v. It indicates that people use alcohol-related products almost on a weekly basis. vi. The test indicates that the alcohol consumption has an effect of erasing memory as the consumers cannot remember what happened before they began drinking. iv. Those abusing the drugs do it privately without the knowledge of their friends, but for those who their families know, they help to get them out of the mess. v. It shows that those who use the drugs always have conflicts with their families and friends. vi. The test shows how alcohol affects the economy as people consume it early in the morning before going to their workplaces. Summary In summary for the first client, it is clear that the AUDIT shows very clearly about the indication that people are able to drink alcohol responsible to avoid making any kind of accidents.
The AUDIT test proves it clear that people are not aware of any effects related to drinking alcohol. Based on the results of this test, it can be evident that consumption of alcohol is harmful as it affects the memory and the person is not able to remember what has happened which is very dangerous to the human beings. It can be further summarized that AUDIT has a weakness as it does not indicate the age limit of those who are taking alcohol which is very dangerous as most of the young people are involving themselves in alcohol consumption. iv. Those involved in drugs have taken roots and they are facing challenges in leaving the habit. v. The alcohol users are in a position to lose their memories soon after they have consumed alcohol.
vi. The test shows that the majority who abuse drugs do it willingly and that they can avoid it whenever they want. Disadvantages of (DAST) on sample II i. Involvement in social evils, losing jobs, accidents is so much related to drug and substance abuse an aspect negative in this test. ii. The test does not give ages of those who abuse drugs. On the DAST results, the second client shows that this test shows clearly the effect of alcohol consumption on the families and relatives of the user. The results of the CAGE shows the relationship between the users and the society which is very poor as the users may act irresponsibly in the society after abusing the drug. Recommendation It can be recommended that a test can be carried out to indicate the perception of the society towards the alcohol users.
Additionally, it is recommended that a test about the steps which are being taken to counter alcohol abuse the society. A better and improved testing mechanism can be carried out to know the long-term effects of drinking alcohol. Both the AUDIT and DAST scores of sample I, II indicates an increase in drug, alcohol and substance abuse in the current society hence need for individual evaluation on oneself concerning our social ways of life. Everyone should strive to be there brother’s keeper to ensure that the whole menace of drugs is done away with. Both samples should be incorporated their advantages and disadvantages weighed so as necessary steps are taken to bring about agreements. To a greater extent, I will consider the administration of the withdrawal scales provided because they are symptoms of their usage.
Other addiction assessment tests include: National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)-Assesses the risks patients base themselves when consuming drugs. Karageorgou, D. Gamaletsou, M. Panagiotakos, D. B. Sipsas, N.
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