Eating Disorders Essay
Document Type:Essay
Subject Area:Psychology
Binge Eating Disorder, Bulimia and Aneroxia Nervosa are some of the most common eating disorders. An unhealthy eating habit often marks the condition(s). If left untreated or checked, it can have far negative devastating and debilitating consequences. Features of Anorexia Nervosa The condition is often characterized by excessive dieting, weight loss, and many a time starvation. Teens with the disorder do have the feeling that they can never be slim (thin) and often continue viewing themselves as fat in spite of their great attempts at cutting body mass (Pinhas-Hamiel et al. Firstly, a teenage is recommended to take in a high protein breakfast and avoid sugary substance such as juice or drinks. At the same time, teens are required to take in a lot of water every time before a meal to help control the urge for massive consumption (Pinhas-Hamiel et al.
On the other hand, a teenager is expected to choose weight loss friendly meals such as foods rich in soluble fiber. A teen is also eating food slowly to help inadequate digestion and absorption of already digested meals. Other measures include high intake of green tea and coffee and high consumption of unprocessed whole foods. Cooperman, C. Pruessner, J. C. Suppressing the endocrine and autonomic stress systems does not impact the emotional stress experience after psychosocial stress. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 78, 125-130.
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