Education system and social equity

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Education

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The Hong Kong Education brings about social equity in the sense that in the first two stages it is compulsory for each and every one. However, not everyone is able to have access to this free compulsory free primary and junior high education hence social equity is not fully attained. The Hong Kong education system is primarily based on the British model and most specifically the English system. It is mostly overseen by the Social Welfare department and the education bureau. The education is free and compulsory for every student in the primary and junior secondary school. Poor academic performance in these schools is caused by a lot of factors including poor infrastructure and malnutrition which leads to poor health and physical appearances.

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There is a very significant in student performances due to different factors and also due to the differences in intelligence quotients of the children. They are not all expected to perform the same (Valentina 2017) These are some of the educational implications of stratification. The system may be officially considered to be equal but in general there is no equity. Within this education system a variety of routes can be followed to acquire a diverse number of occupations and qualifications but also within the same system, stratification has caused disadvantage to most of the students The system has tried to ensure social equity but forces of social stratification and social strata remain a challenge to this very objective. Individuals are equipped with basic skills that are very necessary for survival in Hong Kong’s Knowledge Based economy (Murnane R & Levy F 1996).

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If individuals are given the basic skills necessary for survival through education, this then depicts education as promoting social equity amongst people of the society. Each and every individual is being given an equal opportunity to acquire these skills and therefore social equity is ensured. These are the skills which are responsible for giving individuals the different social strata that they have in the society. Education in this case is seen as a problem solver for an individual, a risk management strategy while on the other hand it is a form of a societal protection against future risks (a form of insurance) such as poverty, social exclusion, illness and unemployment. The state of Hong Kong has very many different professionals all due to the stratification of the education system.

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This ensures social equity since each and every area that requires professional attention is well taken care of thanks to the education stratification. This therefore shows that education, just like most people believe, promotes social equity. Theoretical Perspectives Different theoretical approaches have been developed to explain social equity/ social justice. The study of these different theories can assist support the notion of education being a promoter of social equity in Hong Kong. An individual would choose a course they would feel they could pursue. Once they choose the course of their liking they had to act and perform devotedly to it. This was important in the sense that it enabled and expanded the possibility of a social progress and areas of equity and social justice are expanded to all.

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According to Bradley this is the perfect and correct way to achieve social and individual good without any contradictions between the two. Generally, Bradley argues that man’s moral duties along with his life completes itself through those state designated professions which through the laws and institutions of that state gradually provides individuals with a life that they must like and live (Bradley 1952). An example of such educational program is The School Social Work Service which aims to identify and help students with emotional, academic and social problems and also help them realize and maximize their educational opportunities while at the same time preparing them for adulthood and adult life. This service is run and operated by non-governmental organizations. Articulation with General Policy Issues and Personal Views The self-perfectionism theory integrates with the idea of education policy in Hong Kong promoting social Equity.

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Just like an individual, as per the theory, is allowed to specialize with a course which they will be comfortable and best at, the same is happening in the Hong Kong education policy. In junior high students are allowed to choose two areas they would like to major with so that in the long run, there will be social equity. References. Alfred P Rovai & Emily M. Petchauer. The Digital Divide and Social Equity. Published by Handbook of Research of Public Information Technology. , & Gonzalez-Intal, A.  M. Relative Deprivation and Equity Theories.  Critical Issues in Social Justice, 141-166. doi:10. hk/en/index/site_pubsvc/page_young/sub_schoolsoci/. Vantina Di Stacio Heike Solga. 2017 October 11th. Education as Social Policy: An Introduction. Retrieved from: https://journals.

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