Effercts of technology on students

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Education

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Despite the fact that the implementation of the latest technology is being a challenging strategy to navigate for a significant number of schools due to the reason such as learning institutions being on the fence in regard to the use of particular mobile devices with the major explanation being that they tend to think that they are more of a burden than a strategic learning tool, learning institutions schools make sure that students are allowed to use technology in the classroom settings due to three major reasons. Firstly, use of technology in classroom setting facilitates use of various learning styles. In normal cases, no two students may learn in the same way, however, with the technology educators it is highly possible to address diversity when it comes to the diversity in learning styles.

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Taking for example of a social feedback tool such as bluepulse prompts instructors to be able to discover the various teaching styles that can work most appropriately through identification of the learners needs based on real-time feedback. Most importantly, technology facilitates self-direct learning in a classroom setting which is basically a type of learning whereby students are prompted to work on authentic problems as well as task of their own choice while at the same time being provided with some learning support in context to their problems. Moreover, in case students happens to frequently use various technology devices at home, then the implications are that, the additional exposure at school could end being perceived as harmful. The solution to this challenge is that, it should be the role of teachers, school management and parents to make sure that all the students are sensitized on the danger of too much exposure of technology devices and how they should handle them to avoid harmful effects.

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Literature review Extending the Similarity-Attraction Effect: The Effects of When-Similarity in Computer-Mediated Communication In the past, sharing of personal information via user profiles was majorly done through the Social Networking Sites (SNSs). This made the user have the ability to realize similarities in demographics, attitudes, and interests. As a result, it has been noted that when people note realize these similarities, even when the discovery tends to intercede, they end up developing an attraction towards each other. The other similarity type incorporates the ‘where-similarity’ which emphasizes on location. However, there is the ‘when-similarity, which has been created by the real-time technology. Through it, it is conceivable to link through others in actual time through chat rooms and instant messaging, (Harmon & Gross, 2007, 41).

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Attitudes and Social Cognition Most of the interesting and broad ideas in psychology can be outlined in the in the Journal of Personality and Social Attitudes and Social Cognition (JPSP: ASC). It is therefore sensible to argue that the idea concerning the mind to be divinely pitched to our social frameworks, is a vision which we should end up being gratified about. Such methods include neuroimaging, genetic analysis, and ecological assessment, (Harmon & Gross, 2007, 41). Diversity The expansion of the subject base should be looked into in a diverse manner. This can be on the based on the science, which is the best way to keep moving forward in curbing the challenges faced presently, (Harmon & Gross, 2007, 41). What is New in JPSP: ASC? Some things are new.

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Such include: provision of broad discussion by authors on how they sought to maximize power; provision of thoughtful discussion by authors in their samples, emphasizing on their diversity and inclusiveness or absence thereof; a discussion on thoughtful study of how the reported study contributed to cumulative theoretical knowledge in psychology; and welcoming of theory-driven papers which utilize novel methods. In this case, some groups tend to have multiple purposes, in the sense that some are manifest and explicit while others are latent and implicit. Hence, a purpose of a group can be grouped into three categories which include: accomplishment of the group work, strengthening of the group’s capabilities and fostering the well-being of each group member. Just Doing Business: Modern Racism and Obedience to Authority as Explanations for Employment.

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Introduction Times are gone when there used to be discrimination against blacks or management positions. These changes comprise of instances such as the white bosses being well-ordered to ease their eateries, business’s understatement for reduction of black staffs, and hiring of good-looking white lassies. Firstly, it facilitates various learning styles, secondly, it facilitates the transforming of the different learning experiences among students and thirdly it offers instructors and other stakeholders with an opportunity to develop the digital citizenship skills of the students. The paper also gives an account of the various aspects of technological effect on students, (Harmon & Gross, 2007, 41). References Harmon, J.  E. , & Gross, A. Mitcham, C.  Encyclopedia of science, technology, and ethics. Detroit, MI: Macmillan Reference USA. National Research Council (U.

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