Elements of mass communications and communications in the media
The message conveyed by TV fashions television to acquire particular functions. The elements of communications include the following: the source, the coding process, message, the channel, the decoding process, the receiver, feedback, and noise. The term source refers to an organization, group or either an individual that produces information. In the field of mass communication, there are various sources of communicators. These sources include; a rapid complaint at the Employment Agency, a mail to the newsroom address or the press conference of the senators. The term channel cannot be replaced by the term, post in the standard terminology of the international although the term post is used in Romania but not frequently. The term item is applied in the international scientific language to for the receivers of radios and the televisions.
In fact, it is a wrong expression mention TVR or either prove station. Instead one should say TVR1 channel or ProTV channel2 Decoding can be described as a method by which the receiver uses to understand the message conveyed. Decoding process means interpreting and translating the physical message in order to make the message meaningful as it reaches the recipient. Feedback is the response made by the receiver regarding the message. The response may be either negative or positive. The receiver may result in a new source. The responses may alter the sources of the receptor hence reversing communication process. Feedback can be either rapid or slow. This includes the magazines, billboards, newspapers, booklets, and brochures. The other category is the electronic media which includes both the television and the radio.
New age media is another category, it involves the electronic books, mobile phones, internet as well as the computers. A media representation is a channel whereby the media portrays specific groups, topics, experiences, communities as well as ideas from a specific value perspective or ideology. Instead of examining media representations as just a mirroring or reflecting reality, it examines how media representations contribute towards representation or creation of new reality. The genre is referred to as a practical device that is utilized to assist mass medium of any type to produce efficiently and consistently and to associate its production with audience expectations. It is also known as a mechanism for ordering the associations between the consumers as well as producers. Genres are particular formula networks which can convey products that are certified to the waiting consumers Andrew (1984:110).
They guarantee the development of meaning by modulating the viewers association to the image as well as narrative building for him or her. As a matter of fact, genres build the right audience in relation to their own consumption. A concept can be referred to as a topic that is applicable to a particular use case. Therefore a concepts group typically analyzed as one, for instance, a set of products is a theme. A theme should contain a minimum of one concept. It identifies various sections of a document that are produced as snippets. REFERENCE Anon, STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS OF MASS COMMUNICATION. Available at: http://media-studies. tki. org. nz/Teaching-media-studies/Media-concepts/Audience [Accessed May 21, 2018]. Anon, Representation. Anon, Mass Media - ffmgu. ru. Available at: http://www. bing. com/cr?IG=7DEF69356E96409BAB393DB342A29886&CID=0AA1A64BE1C26ADB2A87ADBDE01C6B70&rd=1&h=EWIhFapeRyNG4VxWdJt5bm_0x6q2tluvK1uutENHcAQ&v=1&r=http://ffmgu.
com/doi/full/10. wbieme0219 [Accessed May 21, 2018].
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