Environment in Developing Hospitality Business

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Business

Document 1

Generally the macro environment contributes a critical role in the development of the whole industries future and also contributes in the futures of the individual organization. The external environment in which a company operates will influence the company’s performance and the amount of the influence will depend on the dependency of the company on the health of the entire economy. The macro environment may sometimes have an effect on the customers directly hence affecting their willingness and ability to spend. The customers’ response to the wide macro environment will closely be monitored by the economists and organizations as a measure for the health of the economy. Therefore, in order to keep the hospitality business on top of any kind of competition, it is important for the management to adjust tactics continuously to be able to meet the demands of the industry (Chathoth & Olsen, 2015).

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The providers located in mountainous places can implement for instance a four travel approach to their guests. Every other business is normally under greater pressure to incorporate sustainable and environmental programs and practices. These may be inclusive of water and energy conservation measures. Fortunately, restaurants and hotels could house by putting into consideration favorable environment options, they may share their guest like energy efficient appliances and light bulbs and also decreasing waste in the restaurants (HASSANIEN, 2014). For instance, by donating to the local food stores. Macro business environment factors play a great role in establishing programs and policies in the hospitality industry. They are usually the wider framework within which an organization performs their commercial operations. It may be described as the main guiding factor that shades light on the general conditions of the market such as culture, kind of people and nature, lifestyle, the role of government, use of technology, society and economic conditions (HASSANIEN, 2014).

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Taking a close study of the aspects helps the company heads of the business environment factors in which the company is about to operate and informs them if it is what they have been preparing for. Therefore being the principle guiding factors or forces, macro business environment factors play a fundamental role in the determination of the organizations decisions. Every one of the elements contains several factors which could negatively or positively affect organizations despite their sizes though it ought to be well-known that many businesses in the hospitality industry may not be affected by entirely all the factors concurrently or to the same extent as others will (Chathoth & Olsen, 2015). The idea here is to make sure to consider all these factors and the changes and developments that are actually occurring in the external environments and be able to determine to what degree and whether the business will consequently be affected by those factors.

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In conclusion, the macro business environment factors, which include social, political, environmental and economic are in nature able to impact the direction of hospitality and tourism companies in a great way. Specifically, evaluating the influence of the environmental, socio-cultural, political, economic and other several impacts on a company program is actually becoming an important phase in the strategic development and service planning instrument of hospitality. The external environment has a fundamental effect on the fruitfulness of the marketing strategies in the hospitality industry generally hence those factors of the macro environment need to be analyzed in depth in the process of making decisions regarding the business (Getz, Carlsen & Morrison, 2017). doi:10. 1177/1096348005276495 Getz, D. , Carlsen, J. , & Morrison, A. Sustaining and developing the family business.

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