Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Nursing

Document 1

So far, the body of information that exists is not enough to support intervention initiatives aimed at improving the quality of care offered by midwives in Saudi Arabia. It is important to ensure that data collected is able to facilitate a study that will reduce the knowledge gap and eventually, improve midwifery as a field of care within the medical profession. The data collection approach should be realigned with the research topic and the overall research objectives. For instance, in this research, it is important to ensure that the data is collected from the relevant respondents who are affected one way or the other by the research topic (Jupp & Sapsford, 2008). The approach should also consider the sensitivity of the potential respondents in this case Saudi Arabian mothers who are expectant and those who have just delivered might not be very comfortable divulging all the details regarding their experience.

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First and foremost, the researchers might be compelled to seek clearance from the relevant authorities before they can collect the data required (Meleis, 2011). The authorities in this context could be the hospital administration when the patients are might be admitted and they might have restrictions regarding the nature of questions that the researchers can ask the respondents and other such issues that might fall under the umbrella of institution privacy policy. Secondly, the research could also be affected by the restrictions relating to the applicability of the information and data that they have collected. For instance, the hospital authorities might put in place several restrictions regarding how the data can be used, the need for anonymity on the part of the institution and all these factors have to be taken into account before commencing the research process (Meleis, 2011).

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Finally, the respondents themselves might also have their own set of restrictions mainly relating to their identity since just like the institutions, the respondents might also want to remain anonymous. The information must be of a personal nature and should also be sensitive in nature. In such a research study, the researchers must, therefore, ensure that the IRB process is strictly adhered to. In our case, the research will involve sourcing for information from patients and even healthcare personnel and this information will mostly be confidential in nature. This is because, the information will include personal details relating to the patient, private information regarding the healthcare institution in question and even the identity of some of the respondents (Cannon, 2012). In light of this fact, the IRB process will have to be followed and the process will specifically be observed when it comes to sourcing for permission to conduct the research exercise, commitment to observing ethical issues and concerns that the respondents might be having and other such elements that are crucial to the overall research process.

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Meleis, A. Theoretical Nursing: Development and Progress. New York: Pearson.

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