Essay on Coping with migraines
Purdy always answers, if he can get the cure for migraines, he would be honored with a Nobel Peace Prize. That is how big migraines are, that is how elusive the treatment for migraines is. With a top 20 ranking in the world’s most disabling illnesses, migraineurs check into health facilities every 10 seconds in the U. S alone. According to physicians, due to great fear and anxiety which arises from the excruciating severity of the unremitting migraine pain, severe vomiting and nausea, dehydration and stroke-like neurological symptoms which accompany migraines, migraineurs will always check into a clinic to be offered relief. The triggers, symptoms, and treatment of a migraine headache have been effective in building credibility using appeals and evidence. The particular root cause of migraine headaches remains unknown. Renowned as one of the most unpleasant and painful medical disorders, migraine headaches typically exhibit a pattern leading to the development of the migraines through various triggers or predisposing factors.
Some of the most common triggers are genetics, dietary, environmental factors and hormonal fluctuations which defines the regularity of occurrence, interval duration of one attack, the start of an attack, and the rigorousness of an attack. According to neurologists, migraines occur due to a neurochemistry imbalance in the central nervous system. Administration of common hormonal medications such as oral contraceptives by women, increases the probability of contracting migraines. Studies have shown that when taking less medication dosages, close to 25% of the woman gender notice a lower occurrence of migraine headaches. Rasmussen (65-72). Often referred to as idiosyncrasy or food intolerance, sensitivity to dietary items with a large composition of tyramine, phenylethylamine, histamine, and amines have been linked to triggering the development of migraines. As stated by Blau (184-187), these compounds have a direct correlation with the development of headaches by either altering cerebral blood flow around the brain which has a direct correlation with blood pressure levels.
and 3. prevalence of migraines amongst populations in high altitudes and sea levels respectively. This high altitude migraines are attributed to erythrocytosis, which increases with age at high altitudes and also causes elevated blood pressure and lower oxygen delivery to the brain, resulting in migraines. Genetics influence susceptibility to a migraine. According to Chasman (695), vulnerability to migraines is influenced by genes. The first stage is called prodrome which occurs 1-2 days before and may cause one to feel neck-stiffed, to experience mood changes and to be constipated. The second stage is called aura which affects one's vision and results in one seeing flashing lights. Full attack is the third stage which may last between 4-72 hours and results in aching on the left and right sides of the head, vomiting, and fainting.
The final stage is referred to as the post-drone, where one may experience slight dizziness and weakness. The cure for migraines has remained elusive hence catching the attention of medical researchers and practitioners who are now pursuing the causal factors of this debilitating disorder to provide a remedy to ailing individuals. These include pain relievers for mild migraines such as aspirin which help relieve mild migraines. Ibuprofen may also be administered. Administration of Tripants as a pain relief remedy assists in obstructing and obscuring pain conduits in the brain hence inhibiting the migraine pains as they effectively relieve pain and migraine-associated symptoms. Tripants are available in injection forms, pill forms and in form of nasal sprays. Tranquillizers and sedatives are also administered as a form of a migraine pain-relieving treatment. Administering nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, especially naproxen (Naprosyn), has been established to help prevent migraines and reduce symptoms Lipton (343-349).
Administration of OnabotulinumtoxinA (Botox) is done at the doctor's office and has been shown as effective in treating chronic migraines in adults. Over the counter medications can cause more problems than helping when it comes to treating a migraine. Popular pain reliever such as ibuprofen may cause bleeding, abdominal pain and even ulcer. The most common side effects of drug-based migraine treatment medication include fatigue, depression, and nausea, weight gain, constipation and throat, and chest tightness. Acupuncture is traditional Chinese medicine involving the insertion of needs into several areas of the skin at defined points. According to Chinese medicine, energy flows in the human body in pathways and or meridians. When needles are applied to these meridians, the body's natural energy flow is rebalanced therefore relieving symptoms of disease Linde (2118-2125).
The procedure takes about 10-30 minutes while the person relaxes. Western medicine has established that acupuncture increases blood flow, stimulates muscles and nerves and further stimulates the body's natural painkillers (endorphins). Use of herbs such as feverfew and butterbur has been noted to reduce the severity of migraines Johnston (569-573). Vitamin B-2 also referred to as riboflavin prevent migraines or reduce the frequency of headaches when consumed in high dosages. Whereas supplements referred to as coenzyme Q10 are known to decrease the frequency of migraines, wider studies are recommended to be undertaken on this mode of treatment. Due to low magnesium levels in some people with migraines, magnesium supplements have been used to treat migraines, but with mixed results Johnston (569-573). Aerobic exercises, sleep regulation, dietary regulation, and smoking cessation, make sound physiological sense and are supported by clinical experience.
Migraineurs have approximately twice the risk of developing a stroke. In addition, women with migraines and who take oral contraceptives have a higher risk of developing a stroke. Migraine headaches have been associated with mental health issues which take the form of major depression, general anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, panic disorder, substance abuse disorders, agoraphobia and post-traumatic stress disorder, PTSD. Migraines have also been reported to predispose the development of episodic syndromes including; teeth grinding, sleep talking, sleepwalking, motion sickness and night terrors. Vertigo and abdominal pains are the additional complications which may be brought about by migraines Corbett (973-996). Administering a combination of migraine medications such ascriptions and antidepressants such as serotonin will cause r serotonin levels to rise. In conclusion, migraines are debilitating to one's body and to oneself largely due to the incapacitating nature of its pain.
Ranked by the Migraine Research Foundation among the world's top twenty disabling medical diseases, physicians are now focused to offering relief to ailing patients based on established causal factors, triggers, and symptoms exhibited by the Migraineurs. This is largely because of the fact that there is no known cure for migraine headaches. During the treatment of migraines, drug-based treatment plans focus on pain relieving or preventive approaches is often used. and F. Solomon. Smell and other sensory disturbances in migraine. Journal of neurology 232. Burch, Rebecca C. Ferrari, Michel D. et al. Migraine pathophysiology: lessons from mouse models and human genetics. The Lancet Neurology 14. Ferrari, Michel D. Premonitory symptoms in migraine An electronic diary study. Neurology 60. Hernandez-Reif, Maria, et al. Migraine headaches are reduced by massage therapy. International Journal of Neuroscience 96. Migraine prevalence, disease burden, and the need for preventive therapy.
Neurology 68. Lipton, Richard B. et al. Migraine prevalence, disease burden, and the need for preventive therapy. and Stephen D. Silberstein. An episodic and chronic migraine headache: breaking down barriers to optimal treatment and prevention. A headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain 55 (2015): 103-122. Mulder, Elles J. Silberstein 754-762. Silberstein, Stephen D. et al. A chronic migraine headache prevention with noninvasive vagus nerve stimulation: The EVENT study. Neurology 87. Wilkinson, Marcia, 375-378.
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