Essay on El Salvador

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Geography

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El Salvador was colonized by two powers. It achieved its first and second independence from Spain and Central American Federation in 1821 and 1839, respectively (Clark, 2010). The country was ravaged by a bitter civil battle, which claimed over 70,000 lives (Wood, 2003). This war was sparked by inequality between the overwhelming country’s majority of the population and a small group of wealthy elites. The war was brought to an end when the United Nations broke a peace treaty between the government and the leftist rebels in 1992. San Salvador, the main city, is situated in the west central region of the nation. A larger portion of El Salvador lies on fertile volcanic plateau of approximately 2,000 ft. high (Clark, 2010) and the topography is mostly mountainous but it has a central plateau and a narrow, relatively flat coastal belt.

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Lying at the country’s northern part where it is bordering Honduras is the highest point is the Cerro el Pital at 8,956 feet. Because the country’s location is not far much from the equator, it experiences tropical climate in nearly all areas apart from high elevated regions that experiences more of temperate climate. A large Cerron Reservoir was created by a dam that was built in the Lempa River. Population Though El Salvador has not carried out any reliable census since 2009, the country’s population is believed to be on an upward trend. It is projected that it will hit 6. million populations by the year 2020. Though the smallest, the nation is the leading in population density within Central America. This makes the capital the second largest Jewish populated town in Central America.

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El Salvador’s population is mainly comprised of mestizos’, white and indigenous people, and the highest percentage being people of mixed ancestry. Mestizos are people of the native America and European ancestry and is mostly from the Mediterranean decent, Native indigenous, and Afro Salvadorian. percent of the El Salvadorian population is of Spanish decent with small population of Danish, English, German, Italian, Irish and Swiss ethnicity throughout the land. Only one percent of the population is purely indigenous, partly due to the 1932 mass murders during the Salvadoran peasant uprising. This is slightly above the global population life expectancy which stands at about 71 years as stated by the populace unit of the UNDESA. Life expectancy for males at birth in El Salvador is 70. years while that for females is 76. years. Foreign Relations U.

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S and El Salvador to work together and improve the country’s prosperity and security. El Salvador and the U. S. are all contributors to the United States’-Central America-Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR) (USITC Publication, 3717). CAFTA-DR main objective is to facilitate investment and trade thus enhancing regional integration by opening up markets, eliminating trade tariffs, promoting transparency and reducing barriers to services. References Clark, J. Country Review: El Salvador.  OECD Journal: Competition Law And Policy, 10(1), 173-203. doi. org/10. El Salvador facts, information, pictures | Encyclopedia. com articles about El Salvador.  Encyclopedia. com. Retrieved 5 December 2017, from http://www.

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