Essay on gender disparity

Document Type:Editing

Subject Area:Accounting

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Meyers and Janet C Gornick. Despite the fact that different philosophers try to show various issues that implicate men and women are the same, the society tends to differ with this notion giving men an upper hand in regard to issues such as employment. Apparently, men are known to underperform, or instead show little interest in emotional situations while women are known to be useful respondents on the same in the sense that most of them, if not all, tend to cry during such times. Additionally, men are instinctively associated with liking the blue color while their counterparts, women, are attracted to thongs that reflect a pink color. If by chance a man or woman shows interests in things that are not associated with their gender, the society will regard them as abnormal.

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Therefore, it is clear that the society has created distinct conditions that suit men and women. The stereotype of men is superior to women has been in Chinese society since ancient times. “What I have Learnt from men,” By Barbara Ehrenreich, is a perfect reference to consider. We can consider this reference because it states that, obedient, considerate, and virtuous are known to be the characteristics of women; men are considered self-reliant, dominant, and competitive. In the current society, women are slowly liberating themselves from the burden of traditional families and the participation in different social activities. Culturally, it is essential to distinguish between the two sexes but in a moderate way. The country will also face some challenges when it comes to employment of individuals with skilled labor since some women are better than men in quality delivery of work.

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Also women are considered to be more careful and cautious than men at the work place. Gender roles in the modern society are essential because they represent the economic, social and political responsibility of the community members, allowing women to participate in various activities. For instance, In Native Chinese culture, men would assume the leadership position. There have been changes in the gender roles as men have begun to assist in domestic duties whereas women are taking up in leadership positions. Additionally, modern women also participate in economic development as the employment rate for women is on the rise. This introduces diversity in the workplace. Moreover, the legalization of same sex marriages in our current generation presents a cultural trend that affects traditional gender roles, this affects both men and women negatively (Perry & Mark, 155).

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Helps in balancing gender roles, which the Native Chinese culture was lacking in its beliefs and traditions. In case there is any woman in the employment sector, then she will be used as a subordinate staff. Thus, the office-related jobs have more men compared to women. The Natiive culture entirely limits the feminine gender by engaging them with the modern way of life. Right from the education that young girls grow in their exposure only makes them focus on family issues. The result would be that the employment opportunities for the women will be close to null. Women in these cultural communities are barred from enjoying what their labor generates. The unequal opportunities lag them behind their male counterparts in every aspect of self-advancement (Barbara, 1941). Even if some women strive to engage in developing one's self fully, the cultural beliefs hinder them from reaching their objectified goal.

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Reason being, every person in the society expects the women to sit back in their homes, ensure that the children are well-taken care of while the men ensure that they provide the family with basic needs. It is believed that traditional practices in these cultural societies hinder women from engaging in the economic development of their environment. Possibly, this is one of the factors that generate gender inequality among countries with high illiteracy levels such as Sudanese with the disadvantaged group being the women. To this extent, girls who join school end up dropping out due to early marriages. Later girls focus on domestic responsibilities while the boys end up in getting white collar jobs. Despite women being utterly undermined, they have joined hands to fight this kind of oppression through educating the less fortunate in the society.

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Most international organizations such as National Organization for Women and Planned Parenthood, have recently come up with the primary objective of assisting women to understand their potential in the society. Promoting gender equality and empowering women? Tourism and the third Millennium Development Goal.  Current Issues in Tourism 14. Gould, Stephen J. “Women’s Brains. ”  New York: W. and Mark Selden, eds.  Chinese society: Change, conflict, and resistance. Routledge, 2003. Sanders, Scott R.  Earth Works: Selected Essays. Brady, Judy.  I Want A Wife. Ms Magazine, 1971,. Mernissi, Fatema.  THE WESTERN WOMEN HAREM's.

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