Iron Deficiency Anemia Case Study

Document Type:Editing

Subject Area:Nursing

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It is defined as a reduction in red blood cells (RBCs) in the human circulatory or hemoglobin being less than the normal quantity. The decrease of red blood cells could be a consequence of excessive blood loss, production of unhealthy RBCs, body destroying RBCs either. Cotemporally symptoms with M. s A are results of Iron deficiency anemia (Clark & Susan 128-141). The focus of this discussion, therefore, is to describe briefly the causes of Iron deficiency anemia in a patient, Iron deficiency signs and symptoms and treatments available to an individual with Iron deficiency anemia symptoms. Excessive menstruation caused her to lose some amount of iron. The period that Ms. A experienced blood loss through her menses was prolonged, and this increased the probability of her suffering from iron deficiency. Additionally, Ms.

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A, reports that she consumed a lot of Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) to relieve her from menstrual pains. For her to meet the demands of oxygen in her body, her heart is compelled to pump harder. Ms. reports that she is suffering from stiff joints. Limited cellular regeneration because of iron depletion causes stiff joints (Killip et al. Slow muscle recovery is a result of depletion of iron in the body. Further tests like occult blood tests should be considered by the physician for ensuring that no active bleeding is present. Prescription of birth control, also, can be done to aid with dysmenorrhea with menorrhagia (Leung & Wah Chan, 385-408). Conclusion Anemia involves the reduction of RBCs in the body. Iron deficiency RBC leads to the body systems not functioning properly. Iron deficiency anemia symptoms include a light headache, breath shortness, weakness and fatigue, menorrhagia and dysmenorrheal.

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The purpose of this discussion the approach of a writer to patient care, make the recommended treatment plan, and a teaching plan for both patient and caregiver. Approach to Care To enable caring for the patient and treatment, adoption of evidence-based practice will be applied. Adoption of evidence-based practice includes management of the symptoms effectively to prevent the progress of the condition, thus curbing patient health deterioration. Another approach to be adopted is the involvement of multidisciplinary caring team to aid the management of CHF. Cardiologists and respiratory therapists. While administering medication, the nurse should adhere to the prescribed instructions (Baliga & Eagle 248-285). For effectiveness, the patients must be thought how to take the prescribed drug by the healthcare provider. Examples of medications that can be incorporated to ease CHF symptoms include Lasix and Beta blockers.

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Additionally, for the treatment to be effective, regular assessment of the progress of the patients' response medication should be done (Zambroski, Moser, Bhat & Ziegler 198-206). One symptom Mr. P. Nursing interventions are important because they offer an update about the condition of the patient (Zambroski, Moser, Bhat & Ziegler 198-2016). To Mr. P’s family, a psycho-social anchor must be provided, and be made available to family members. Psycho-social supports include spiritual care and social care. Medication administration teaching should be accomplished by ensuring that the patient takes the right drugs. Some symptoms and signs Mr. P has to be educated on are excessive feet swelling, breathing troubles while lying down, wet cough and dizziness. Blood pressure monitoring has to be encouraged (Krumholz 99-104). Adherence to dietary should be monitored by a dietician.

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Evaluation and treatment of common cardiovascular disorders 2nd ed. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Philadelphia, p. Clark, Susan F. Iron deficiency anemia. Nutrition in clinical practice, 2008, p. and Ka Wah Chan. Iron deficiency anemia. Advances in pediatrics, 2000, p. Michalsen A, Konig G, Thimmes W. Preventable causative factors are leading to hospital admission with decompensated heart failure.

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