Essay on Gender Prejudice
Document Type:Essay
Subject Area:Psychology
In most cases, the reasons for the negative attitude are often unfounded. The current essay is organized into a description of personal prejudice, how the prejudice developed, how it is maintained, and lastly, how it can be eliminated. Description of the prejudice Although it is unfair and probably irrational, I believe that I have a fairly negative attitude towards the female gender. The prejudice is largely based on certain stereotype thinking which is described in this section as well. The three main stereotypes thinking towards the female gender are: that females cannot make good leaders, females are weaker sex compared to males, and that females should spend more time at home than at work or schools. The stereotype of the weaker female is not only with regards to physical attributes but emotional as well.
Lastly, women should spend more time at home than males. The children are best brought up by both parents; however, the mother plays such a fundamental role as the primary caregiver right from birth to the time when a child becomes independent. Children are usually happier and comfortable at home when the mothers are around. I believe, therefore, that the absence of mothers at home due to the tight and demanding work schedule significantly deprives the children their happiness and opportunity to live a full and healthier life. The United States is believed to be largely democratic, yet it has never had a female president or even the vice president. It cannot be a coincidence; perhaps all the presidents in the United States have never thought that it is wise to have a female vice-president.
With such observations, it is only logical that as a man, I would develop a negative stereotype about women in leadership positions. The trend is similar in several other social institutions. For all the times that I have been visiting hospitals ever since I was a child, I noticed that most doctors are men, and many of the females in the hospitals were nurses. I even see how they scream in reaction to a scary scene in a horror movie and indeed my prejudice is justified. I always felt lonely and bored whenever my mother was not around. I used to always look forward to the weekends when she would be at home to cook for us. I always thought that her food was tastier. The bible has always had the role of women as homemakers.
Among the strategies that have been put in place include affirmative action’s which are supposed to ensure that a certain percentage of leadership positions is reserved for women in the society; which begs the question, what is the need for such preferential treatment? If indeed the genders are equal and with similar access to resources, why then can’t the women as well go out and campaign to stand an equal chance for election. The rationale for the affirmative action, especially in most developing countries is that there are cultural beliefs of the women’s inability to lead. Cultural belief is essentially a community’s opinion and attitude towards a given issue, and should not necessarily influence an individual’s decision to vote or not vote for a woman seeking a leadership position.
The fact that the affirmative actions are proposed to protect the women from failing to secure leadership positions for which there are male competitors is an admission of gender prejudice by men towards women. Medical and science-related fields are some of the areas that have traditionally been dominated by males. When I have a conversation around my sister, mother, and female friends, I try to be cautious even though I know I hold fairly negative prejudice. It has affected the relationship with my girlfriend who expects me to have an empowering attitude towards women. She does not at all agree with my perception about the women role as home keepers and to a large extent, I always feel that if continue with such stereotype thinking, it will largely affect my future relationship and perhaps even marriage life.
I wonder whether I will have a similar perception towards my female daughter. I would want my daughter to be empowered, and certainly, I will not take kindly a man who has similar prejudice like mine towards my daughter. No significant change has ever occurred concerning gender prejudice despite advancement in democracy and governance Work Cited New International Version. Bible Gateway, www, biblegateway. com, Accessed 19, November 2018. Stangor, Charles. The study of stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination within social psychology: A quick history of theory and research.
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