Essay on Management

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Business

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It is a critical concept that welcomes many strategies towards the realization of the dreams of the organization Functions of the Management and their practical implications for the management of the organization Planning. This is one of the core functions of the management. It is strategizing on the basis and what the organization wants to achieve within a given period. Planning encompasses what the organization ought to run, what needs to be done and the time frame that they need to accomplish within a given period. It deals with choreographing out what needs to be done with ease and how they need to be done within a given time frame. The management identifies the activities that ought to be done, classifies the identified activities depending on their urgency and time frame, assigning duties and delegation of the responsibilities to various departments who will conduct the activities.

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It then coordinates the activities and how it needs to be done and during the entire process. The organization creates and moves the face of the organization. (Ike, 2016). Staffing. The management directs all the activities of the organization. Here, the management draws and manages the organization through the actualization of all methods of management for the achievement of organization goals. Directing takes care of all the initiatives that aim at creating and meeting all the diverse needs of the organization through creating and determining a framework for the achievement of the goals of any organization. Directing is the prime initiatives that put the all objectives of the organization into the needed method of ensuring the mobility of the organization Directing includes managing, supervision of the workforce, the leadership initiatives employed and also communication in the organization.

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Directing ensures that all the departments of the organization are working well and with less hindrance from the other external factors. The theory asserts that managers are tasked with making decisions that are commonly based on the situation at hand rather than what one is expected to do and tasked with in the organization. Here, a manager takes all the appropriate actions based on the aspects that are most important to the current situation. Here, the managers may employ the leadership approach that may include participation from all the workers in the organization. In the same context, a leader may decide to apply the autocratic approach (Griffin, 2016). Motivational theories have also been developed to aid and encompass on the needs of the workforce in the organization through the utilization of the motivations to improve on the worker's ability in the organization.

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Organization Behaviour describes how the workforce in the organization relates to one another in different groups. Organisation behavior is as old as man. It draws effectiveness from various theories and studies. It is the systematic study and application of the knowledge on how individuals and groups act within a given setting. Organizational behavior studies all the mechanism that governs the interactions, seeking to identify and foster behaviors that are conducive to the survival and effectiveness of the organization. Lewin’s theory is hugely instrumental in the strategizing process in the organizing (Ike, 2016). Effect of International Business Environment Factors Politics is an international factor that affects the viability of the business. Every country has developed its political factors that affect how business should be conducted.

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Each country has its developed system that creates and develops either the best environment or the unfavorable environment for the business. The economic environment is also another factor affecting the business. Applying the morally accepted strategies in the societies ensures that the organization runs and it to the required and point with the development process of the business. Ethics form the basis of decision making, problem-solving in managing, directing, controlling and planning in the organization setting various theories of the ethical decision-making process. Moral theory is one of the most applied theories in the ethical decision-making process. Moral theory stimulate that everything must be acted upon and explained with the consent of the ethical principle of morality. In determining and decision any management issues as far as management, planning, controlling and organizing is concerned, it is essential to uphold the ethical principles of respect, integrity, responsibility, and honesty.

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