Essay on Tuberculosis
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:Nursing
There has been continuous research across the world that has been done to control the disease that is continually causing deaths. The bacterium that causes the disease is airborne and can be easily transferred from one person to another through the air. It is believed that the disease first infected human beings more than nine thousand years ago. If untreated, the disease can be fatal to the victim as it finally affects the whole human respiratory system. Tuberculosis can either be Latent TB or the Active TB. Living and being in contact with affected people also increases the risk of being affected by the disease. The people that are living with conditions that affect their immune system such as HIV increase the risk of being infected by the diseases. The old people are also at a higher risk of being infected with their immune system is low.
The people that live in the poor diet are at a higher risk of getting infected. Symptoms The main symptom that is observed is a cough that prolongs for several weeks. Treatment There are different approaches to the treatment of the disease. In areas that tuberculosis is not a public health problem, isolation treatment is done as the doctors carry out determination on the behavior of the patient. The method is however not practical in areas that the disease is a public health problem. Drug therapy is the most commonly used method for the treatment of the disease. The patient is put on medication for a given period with the aim of strengthening the immunity of the body to fight the bacteria in the body that causes the disease to thrive.
The mortality rate due to tuberculosis is very high in the developing countries due to the poor living conditions and the poor diets in the countries (Pakasi. et al 2009). The mortality rate among the children is very high still in the developing countries as most do not live in the required relevant conditions. The general prevalence of the disease is very high in the developing countries than in the already developed countries. The sub-Saharan countries are therefore the most affected as almost 50% of them all are usually reported in South East Asia. If a person is economically stable, they are at a better chance of controlling and preventing the disease from having a direct effect towards them. The environment is very crucial to the control of tuberculosis. The people that are affected by the disease tend to be in the crowded environment.
A no polluted and well-aerated environment is always a crucial factor in the healthy living. The social setup plays an important role in the health of an individual. The agencies that are responsible for controlling the disease have given special care to communities that live in deplorable states that can cause the disease to be transmitted fast. The children are also given a special concern about the disease due to their vulnerability. The roles of community health nurse In the today's community setting, there have many bodies, governmental and non-governmental units specializing in the delivery of healthcare services. Nurses in the healthcare sector work in a wide range of governmental and community organizations from camps to all sorts of clinics. The healthcare system and needs have created a need and a demand for the improvement of the healthcare nursing system.
The national tuberculosis controllers association work in cooperation and consultation with the division of tuberculosis elimination. The national tuberculosis controllers association work with other partners such as the American Thoracic society and the American lung association in an attempt to control the prevalence of the disease (Nahid et al. The main objectives of NTCA are as listed below; • Aiding in the clear voice of the controllers of TB and advocating for the improvement of the activities that do away with the disease in the United States. • Counsel and giving pieces of advice and the way forward. NTCA deals with organizations and committees on issues that affect the control of the disease and also the elimination of the same. This disease is very dangerous, and many countries have come up with a health sector system that addresses the problem.
The healthcare personnel have been teaching people on the best methods to control and prevent the spread of the disease. The disease is endemic since it is an airborne disease and its transmission is easy. Conclusion The disease is one of the most easily and fastest transmitted disease. There has been increase in the mortality rate as a result of the disease especially in the less developed countries. M. Brozek, J. L. Cattamanchi, A. Higashi, J. W. M. Van der Velden, K. Malnutrition and socio-demographic factors associated with pulmonary tuberculosis in Timor and Rote Islands, Indonesia. The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 13(6), 755-759. Udwadia, Z. F. Amale, R. A. Ajbani, K. Andersen, P. L. Sodemann, M. TBscore: Signs and symptoms from tuberculosis patients in a low-resource setting have predictive value and may be used to assess clinical course.
Scandinavian journal of infectious diseases, 40(2), 111-120.
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