Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Business

Document 1

Since then, ethical communication has become a popular topic in debate speeches of leaders within the world of business, employees, shareholders, entire community in the business environment and customers globally. Not everybody share the same opinion on this because there are some contradictions as well between ethical communication and the success of the business. Through ethical communication, managers will be able to balance between the interests of the company with the interests of shareholders, and those with related interests e. g. staff, customers and the entire society. A good track record for honesty can be traced through trust developed between the business partners. (Beckett 2004, p. Encouraging an enabling environment with sense of trust helps to promote ethical communication in a business.

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Some companies make certain statements in their advertisements that are literally accurate but are usually presented in confusing or misleading ways to the consumers by leaving out relevant information. This type of communication is not ethical despite not involving any outright lies. This is through management and communication within the business, public affairs, marketing, advertisements, media publishing and the application of information technology (Scott 2018, p. By sticking to full and ethical communication both internally and outside the organization, there will be demonstration of a good socially responsible business practice. Organizations can also benefit by allowing customers to be aware of the practices that has set the company and also make the companies thrive in a competitive environment. Ethical communication also offers practitioners required skills and framework sharable across businesses in order to evaluate their practices.

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Managers need ethical communication strategies in order to prescribe a more sensitive and dynamic ethical environment for the stakeholders. Ethical communication is in most cases oriented to achieving the set goals rather than maintaining the status of an organization. When the various groups in a business keeps on breaking off, opposing each other and aligning primarily on the basis of political, personal interests aimed at seeking of status, tends to hinder accomplishment of objectives for the organization. However, when people seek to build a consensus through communication, focus on doing what they are capable of doing for the company than focusing on individual professional advancements to higher positions they are not fit for, tends to be good for the organizations. The language used to achieve a good ethical communication should avoid language that manipulates, discriminates or exaggerates.

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Therefore, as much as aiding the organization is a moral imperative, building a consensus is the ethical style of communication. The business communicators need also to support human rights. Such rights include freedom of speech and respect to value of various cultural believes. The business communicators must as well desist from participating in unethical business practices, adhere to the set laws and rules regulating their industries, avoid plagiarism in their communications, maintain high levels of confidentiality unless it would be legally or ethically necessary to do so, stay away from bribery and conflict of interest in their communications, avoid unrealistic promises in their result orientation or possible benefits to the stakeholders or customers and to practice honesty both within the business and with the business partners.

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