Ethics and leadership

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Business

Document 1

Paul was chosen to serve this position because of his committed service to the organization for a period of ten years. Paul first began working for the company as he pursued his degree in college. At the point of entry to the organization, he served as an intern. His commitment and brilliance, accompanied with the fact that he was a fast learner enabled him to quickly rise to become the youngest general manager the company had ever had. Paul is a suitable example for the analysis purposes of the essay because his leadership journey has been a learning experience (Jackson, 2019). Courageous leaders are also capable of taking difficult decisions and following them to the end (Clarke, 2018, p. The essence of courage also stems from the fact that it is crucial to the exercising of the other virtues.

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It is advisable for leaders to be cautious on the exercising of courage because it could result in recklessness if it is too much. Furthermore, if it is too little it could also result in the inability to take risks. Throughout the leadership period of Paul, he has exercised courage in various ways such as presenting bids to organizations that were considered intimidating (Jackson, 2019). It simply involves not telling any lies and sticking to the truth (Martinov-Bennie & Mladenovic, 2015, p. Honesty is an essential tool for leaders to embrace because the support of the employees to the leader is dependent on whether these employees can trust the leader (Clarke, 2018, p. Trust is earned by a leader based on honesty. In the case of Paul leading the telecommunication organization, his employees would lose trust for him based on his lack of adherence to honesty.

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He is not honest with his employees during presentations when they make mistakes because he is afraid of embarrassing them (Jackson, 2019). Cognitive processes prevent individuals from attaining a view of ethical dilemmas in a broad manner. Confirmation bias is the cognitive process that translates to the fact that in relation to views that individuals hold, there already exists in-built biases. These inbuilt biases can be a setback to the structure of leadership, especially in an instance where the leader has significant control of the daily activities. There are a variety of features of confirmation bias. The first of these features is inclusive of restricted information research (Clarke, 2018, p. He would also suggest that the publishers of the information regarding businesses having numerous income sources were hiding information regarding the benefits of maintaining a single source of income (Jackson, 2019).

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The third aspect of confirmation bias entails the interpretation of information selectively. This would involve an individual maintaining their point of view via the interpretation of information presented to them in such a manner (Clarke, 2018, p. Furthermore, individuals could maintain their point of view through the selective gathering of data that supports their point of view. For instance, in the case of Paul and the telecommunication company, his insistence on maintaining sales to strictly telecommunication components are because he believes that this is the strategy that has enabled the organization to grow to its current status of profit. The area of leadership that requires the most attention from Paul is inclusive of the area of moral evaluation and confirmation bias. Paul, therefore, needs to take steps in relation to the instilling a disruption of information flow (Clarke, 2018, p.

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This would simply entail changing the way he processes information regarding a range of topics. The disruption of confirmation bias would result from adapting to a more critical manner of news consumption. Paul can utilize these lessons for a few weeks at his own convenience, therefore, it would not be a disruption to the tasks he is committed to at the organization. The importance of this lesson is to instill a structure of critically challenging the information that Paul receives (Clarke, 2018, p. Therefore, in doing so Paul can open his mind to more opportunities. The act of consciously disrupting the bias of Paul would trigger the thoughts of ethics as pluralistic and a well-rounded concept. This process is crucial because the views of Paul are maintained by the unconscious process of confirmation bias.

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