Ethics summative essay

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Psychology

Document 1

It is, therefore, the sole requirement of anybody within the work setting to have a full concept of ethics and how they ought to be applied within a work environment to allow for a smooth running of all operations. The ethical practice provides a general framework that will allow for a well-developed and concise methodology of dealing with some common issues and other emerging trends within a work environment. Having a full concept of application of ethics provides a clear and well-developed framework that is a key instrument for development in any work environment. This will help provide full information on the needs of the people, what they feel and also on the general workability of the organization. There are various tenets of ethical practices which need to be clearly checked and applied to the best of everyone within the work setting.

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It has to ensure that it promotes of life care is one of the major concepts that the organization has developed some ethically required concepts to help in promoting the face of the same in the world. End of life decisions and end of life care are two critical concepts that touch on the daily lives of the people in the society. They are two important concepts that allow for better and effective advice to persons who need special advice in terms of the end of life decisions. Some people in society may resort to the end of life as a way of dealing with adverse challenges and other pressure that are common in human life. End of life decisions requires some critical examination to help in ensuring that the person makes the rights and the best decisions that will govern their lives in their later day.

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In this case, being ethical is one of the major practices that the organization has stipulated to help in the realization of the dreams and the needs of the organization at large. In this case, being ethical touches on how the entire employees and the entire workforce. This provides for a better and an inclusive way of ensuring that the rights and the ethical considerations of all its clients are made with extreme care. The ethicality that is a basic requirement for the general people and the general workforce in the association is meant at promoting and ensuring the total respect of the privacy of the employees, the clients and all the other stakeholders in the organization. This will in turn help in mitigating and protecting the organization from any lawful suits that may stem up from any violations of such important legalities within the work setting (Butts, 2013).

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One of the major ethical requirements that the organization has made a huge and a full application to is ensuring that the employees are mindful of the feelings of the clients. People have different feelings and these feelings can be felt from the perspective of developing either feeling of hate, live or discontent about anything that touches on how these people ought to be given some of the most advanced services within the organization. The staff within the organization has been trained on various ways that they can use to deal with the emotional surge or any type of emotional attachment to some of the common things that they usually engage in within the organization. The different feelings and different perceives that the organization upheld and promoted for the benefit of the organization and its general clients.

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It is unethical for the employees of the organization to engage in any intimate relationships with its clients. The people in the society share diverse characteristics. It is one of the major practices that can help in ensuring that everybody’s rights are respected. It is the duty of the counseling psychologists to respect the diversities of its patients. This will enable them to provide quality and the best services to such people with ease. With the upheld of the respect of the diversities in the society, it will help promote fairness in such institutions. Every organization dealing with various psychologically issues must have the full knowledge of the confidentiality matters that binds them. The organization is also keen on ensuring that there are various instances in which the confidentiality of the patient or the client may be broken and this is mostly due to the interest of the person, the health center, the public and the authorities in general.

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All these play a great role in the success and the viability of any health center. Promoting such rights and considerations is a key move in the organization that is of high benefiting value. The issue of confidentiality is witnessed in typically every organization. Therefore, ethics and ethical practices in counseling are two major concepts that are very applicable in ensuring the development and the promotion of the counseling exercise in the human concept. Therefore, basing all the practices relating on the ethical principles are key in promoting the ethicality and the professionalism in the counseling psychology sector. References Avery, G. Law and Ethics in Nursing and Healthcare: An Introduction. SAGE Publications Butts, J.

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