Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Business

Document 1

Whereas digital marketing entails the use of websites,, using social media such as Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp groups, YouTube among other online platforms. In applied service marketing theory clearly describes how a service business that is in more interactive has a high potential on the target audience that one that is non interactive, this is because its frame work for service marketing in a service oriented company should be changed regularly as too products are improved upon over time to satisfy customer needs. Merits of Conventional Marketing Self-explanatory. Masses can easily understand this marketing approach since they are already exposed to its existence. Many people of all ages understand the traditional methods of marketing that is readily available at any place and time.

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You cannot gauge if the mission was a success or a flop (Belch & Belch 2012). You just place your adverts and assume that it will yield the required results. Conventional marketing is rigid, non-interactive. It’s extremely hard to have feedback. It’s more like a Sunday biblical homily. Easy to store and record. With the availability of websites and other social platforms its easy to refer to information at any given time without any problem. If the artwork, images, videos uploaded are not effective then they can easily be pulled down and more revised ones uploaded. Digital marketing is diverse in the sense that it can reach both the local and international market. Any one online at any corner of this world can access information uploaded online unlike the conventional methods that can either be reached by most likely only the local audience.

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From the foregoing discussion digital marketing is more plausible to measuring ROI on the basis of its effectiveness, costs, feedback and business development in the long term. Businesses are taking a paradigm shift. The world is becoming technological and therefor marketing dynamics are too evolving concurrently with the changing times. Most organizations recently are depend on the internet to grow their content, communicate with other stakeholders in the field as well as their customers. This simply means that now the traditional methods simply cant work in the strict sense as it used to. For any business to meet its objectives then the organizations strengths must be maximized while its weakness should be worked on in a pursuit to have better performance.

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Too the objectives will be realized when the external factors, all the opportunities coming up to be fully taken advantage of they can be in-terms of new technology, increase in market share, new suppliers and even availability of credit. Threats usually vary in nature like, political instability, competition, legal issues, and inflation. Its highly recommended that a business and the marketing team tries to counter these threats with better services and having a highly motivated team to take on the challenge. Forecasting. Entering a market the first thing you must develop is the customer network. Mounting a spirited campaign while minimizing costs will help an organization realize its goals. Some of the ways to use is as follows; fairly use the internet to advertise for your products and making the business visible to a wide audience, many clients rely on social meadia to get updates, directions so any serious organization in the 21st Century must seriously put their effort in marketing online.

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