Facilitating workplace learning

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Nursing

Document 1

It is important to note that the healthcare industry is very dynamic and there are various changes that keep on coming up on a daily basis. Therefore, workplace training is one of the major methods that can help facilitate learning and sharing knowledge on the new things that have come up and ensure that there is the adequate promotion of the corrective health standards and status within the healthcare industry. Outline In this study, i am going to cover the basics of workplace learning and training. The study will explain the major components and the major factors that may facilitate the need for workplace learning and training and also create the various process that this can be initiated. The study will also encompass on the various learning techniques that can be applied and each of the learning techniques created and provided can be utilized to realize the most effective results.

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The application of various learning theories is one of the most important concepts that can help draw a relationship between various learning styles, capabilities and various theoretically knowledge. This can be applied to foster and promote the learning and training within the healthcare industry. In so doing, the methodologies that are fitter and more prudent can be applied in the teaching practice, and this will help facilitate and promote the learning experience with ease. Therefore, to get more out of this study, I will divide the essay into two parts. The first part will be the application of various learning theories in promoting effective learning and the second stage will; be the reflection on the various theories that have been applied and developing the best out of practice. Therefore, to facilitate the learning preprocess, it is important to develop an effective plan that will promote the effectiveness of the learning process (Dewing 23).

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The plan is therefore needed to ensure that all the persons within the health care sector are fully aware of what is going to happen, the time frame and the entire time frame. The teaching plan is outlined below identification of the topic and the lesson that the learners need to be incorporated with and this should be in line with their past experiences Steps on Teaching Plan • Develop research on all the related information that directly relates to the study • Formulate all the aims the objective of the study • Develop the most appropriate learning style that will fit within a given topic. Different learning styles can be used to facilitate a lesson • Develop and prepare all the teaching aids that will go in line with the selected teaching method that has been identified • Choose the appraise venue and ensure that everything is placed that can help in facilitating an effective and efficient learning process.

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The venue all the things required, and also prepare the training room kits • Write the entire facilitation plan • Develop a time table and time frame plan • Carry out the actual lesson • Develop an evaluation plan that will be needed to evaluate the entire lesson, the major factors that facilitate the lesson and also the major understandability of the lesson Applied Learning Styles There are various learning styles that can be used to facilitate and promote learning style within the healthcare industry. This is one of the methods that are very applicable in the study and which can be used to develop and realize change within the health care sector (Wiseman 407). The medical and nursing students can use the same concept to create the identity and the information that can help facilitate the learning process with ease.

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The method is very appropriate, and this is the method that I highly consider to be applied to create change and realize the affectivity of the nursing sector. The knowledge that is equipped and facilitated on this mode of learning is very important, and it had realized one of the major successes. Majority of the nurses acknowledged that the method is very appropriate and most of them liked this method. The method is a very important one, and various nurses and other key health installations have proven to be applying the method in facilitating the entire work learning process. It is one of the methods that is deeply rooted in the needs and the beliefs of the people (Lofmark & Karin 49). Furthermore, another learning style that I also developed that can be applied in facilitating workplace learning is the read and write method.

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This is the method that is as old as man. It is one of the methods that have been used for time immemorial, and it is a perfect method that can facilitate learning with ease. The learning process in the workplace, therefore, need to conform to some of the theoretical frameworks that will help in promoting the entire process and ensure that there is equal inherent knowledge sharing with ease. Role modelling theory is one of the major theoretical frameworks that can be applied to create and bring about change in society. The theory was developed by Bandura. The basis of this theory is teaching by example and through teaching and learning by example. The role model theory uses the extensive knowledge of the other people within the nursing field that they hold in higher esteem and which they recognize as the main people who will be working towards healing the core needs of the students (Hotler et al.

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The cognitive taxonomy depicts that knowledge and expertise are arranged by the level of complexity. Bloom Taxonomy under the cognitive taxonomy identified some process such as remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating and creating. The knowledge process can be built from this entire process and can help in the development of the best-informed consent that will capture the retention process (Bloom e al. The use of this method helps in problem solving and management of knowledge that one has gotten. The psychomotor domain refers to the area of knowledge in which the brain is highly included in the learning process. The demonstration and the mode of learning that were applied were also very practical. It provides a clear outlook and a clear reality of events as depicted in the study providing a very elaborate way of synthesizing what we have learned and applying y them in real life situations.

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The application of the same knowledge provides basic information that touched on our daily needs and what is basically required of us. It was more of a practical and hence it instilled a lot of sense and reality of what we have been learning in class. The overall stud, therefore, was very important and appropriate in shaping my understanding of some common nursing concepts that are very real.  Journal of advanced nursing34. Christiansen, Angela, and Amelia Bell. Peer learning partnerships: exploring the experience of pre‐registration nursing students.  Journal of Clinical Nursing 19. Dewing, Jan. Kring. The effects of two teaching methods on nursing students' factual knowledge and performance of psychomotor skills.  Journal of nursing education 38. Skylar, Ashley Ann, et al. Distance education: An exploration of alternative methods and types of instructional media in teacher education.

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Masia. Bloom taxonomy of educational objectives.  Allyn and Bacon. Pearson Education, 1984.

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