Factors Influencing Successful Implementation of Electronic Healthcare Record Systems in Secondary Health
Document Type:Essay
Subject Area:Health Care
The implementation of the electronic healthcare record system should be done in such a way that the workforce is satisfied while looking at their acceptance. The system should capable of providing high quality information. However, a well-designed system should be used to ensure the normal routine is not affected. Introduction An electronic health record system refers to a modernized systematic version used to keep critical clinical data, medical histories such as immunizations and medical reports. The attempt by health care systems to provide a cost-effective and improved healthcare record system has been faced with a lot of challenges. The training facilities are also required to be located at the right place to provide easy access. Usability Usability and user satisfaction good factor to consider as far as the implementations of electronic health care system records are concerned.
In order to ensure the success of the implementation of this system the managerial heads of healthcare institution should be in a position to address some the problems such as user acceptance. Many researchers have outlined that in order to effectively implement the electronic healthcare system records, each individual ought to understand that this implementation may not necessarily be a technical process although the work practices are likely to change due to the new system (Cresswell et al, 2013). Hence through adapting to the new system, the medical practitioners are likely to find it easy and efficient working practice. On the other hand, as the organization looks forward towards implementing healthcare record system it should consider the effective project management of the implementation. This starts by ensuring the organization is ready for the implementation.
A successful project management should be able to focus on the provision of training all those are to be involved in the implementation (Cresswel et al, 2013). The healthcare providers involved in the remodeling of the working processes should work in close contact with health professionals to effectively integrate the technology. Internet connectivity The other factor involves poor internet connectivity. Also some Information Technology accessories which form the basis of the implementation of the electronic healthcare systems are not available in some countries limiting access to the use of computers (Gagnon et al, 2012). Electronic healthcare system record should be highly safeguarded to ensure confidentiality to the patients. An implementation system that does not provide privacy and confidentiality is a big hindrance to the implementation of electronic healthcare record systems. Confidentiality would be necessary as it provides an opportunity to the medical practitioner to address some issues through training, canceling and safeguards (Bowmans, 2013).
Confidentiality also ensures that no one could engage in malpractices which would subsequently lead to alteration of some medical information. An implementation system that does not provide privacy and confidentiality is a big hindrance to the implementation of electronic healthcare record systems. Confidentiality would be necessary as it provides an opportunity to the medical practitioner to address some issues through training, canceling and safeguards (Bowmans, 2013). Confidentiality also ensures that no one could engage in malpractices which would subsequently lead to alteration of some medical information Inadequate skills The other problem is the presence of a staff that lacks of basic Information and communications technology knowledge and skills in health information technology which definitely lowers chances of electronic health system record implementation. Lack of these skills also prevents full utilizations of the new systems.
Since the basis of record keeping is based on information technology such computer knowledge and typing skills then those medical practitioners with little exposure with this skill will develop a negative attitude towards the implementation of these electronic health system records (Nguyen, 2014). Impact of electronic health record systems on information integrity: quality and safety implications. Perspectives in Health Information Management, 10(Fall). Chaudoir, S. R. Dugan, A. Ten key considerations for the successful implementation and adoption of large-scale health information technology. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 20(e1), e9-e13. Gagnon, M. P. Desmartis, M. J. Brunak, S. Mining electronic health records: towards better research applications and clinical care. Nature Reviews Genetics, 13(6), 395-405. Nguyen, L. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/pmc/articles/PMC5080780/ https://www. ncbi.
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