Family analysis

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Nursing

Document 1

Their two sons are age 23 years and 26 years. The identity of the ethnicity of the husband is Italian, but his primary language is English and was born and raised up in California. His parents had migrated to the United States back in 1940’s. Due to his young age at their time of migration, he has already developed the American way of life, but they have style preserved their cultural heritage. The ethnicity of his wife is Caucasian. At the start, the elder son was living with his girlfriend, and both of them were earning thus being able to sustain themselves when the son was at the age of 25 years. The elder son together with his girlfriend moved with his parents at a time when the girlfriend had to leave his job due to some pregnancy complication that she served during her early months of pregnancy.

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They had planned to marry the time that they will be financially stable. Currently, the sun is working as a fitness coach for one of the college football teams and is financially stable as he has been able to sustain the family. Back in June last year, the younger son graduated with a bachelor’s degree and went back home. Respect is core to all family members. This is also accompanied by honesty, hardworking, Christianity, trust, commitment, volunteering together with college education to all family members. These make the family to run smoothly and maintain the unit of the family. Rules are made by the two parents in the family. Everyone is obedient to what is said by the two of them and thus this is very important.

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This is the case with this family, and they have a close bond between one another, and they seem to be ok with their give and take relationship. Roles within the family A clear assessment of the family indicates numerous informal family roles. The role of recognition seeker is taken by the grandmother. According to Friedman, Bowden, and Jones (2003), a recognition seeker usually goes to a great length of drawing attention to self. While trying to question the grandmother about other family members, she turns every aspect of the conversation back to herself being the central figure of the family. She is also genuinely interested in listening to others and often draws attention to herself. It is also clear that each family member understands his or her role in the family.

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They also contend with the expectations that have been put upon them. The young son is the only exception of this, and he exhibits role conflicts with his duties as well as expectations. This is described by Friedman et al. Listo annoyed most of the times but she never communicates of her feelings to this. The communication is usually associated with a lot of gender difference. Healthcare and interventions The family is the courage of how healthy have been all through. Except in the recent, the family has had catastrophic medical insurance. Despite that both the husband together with his wife are independent contractors, they do not have insurance contractors through their working places. They do this through spiritual procedures such as having faith in prayer and God too.

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During times of stress, the two draws peace and comfort from their Christian faith. They have a strong faith in God. They usually believe that God guides them during times of crisis and cannot allow them to fall. The two parents also believe that their enhanced ability to withstand stress as well as illness comes from their excellent personal relationship with Lord. The partnership broke up ten years ago, and it became difficult for the husband to market himself on. The family went to foreclosure, and they had to borrow money from other families to be able to buy the home that they are currently living in. The family can be described to be stationary in the area that they are presently located in.

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