Family counseling Structural approach

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Social Work

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This literature review essay designates the presentation of the structural approach to individual families as a way of counseling and it also tries to compare similar approaches that serve the same purpose (Munichin, 1982). This study covers all the concepts, techniques, current and historical events of the approach, assumptions as well as development of the approach. Therefore, the article will discuss the structural approach to family counseling and the basic concepts that apply in this form of therapy. Introduction Structural approach is psychotherapy method established by Salvador Minuchin that addresses functioning problems in a family. Therapists join the family to understand the invisible rules in the family system that governs its functioning, draw relationships among family members, and disrupt dysfunctional relationships causing them to stabilize into healthier patterns. According to the founders of the theory, persons are molded into their present state through their interactions with their environment.

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The Structural therapy approach finds its basis on the idea of the “interrelationship of the whole. ” This notion argues that even though the individual is a separate being, the person is part of a family. Additionally, Munichin (1982) argued that the kind of influence the individual has upon the family is directly linked to the deeds of other family associates. From this point of view, structural perspective on the family argues that the actions of individual members in the family are intertwined with the behaviors of other members in the family (Hadfield, 2000). Structural approach blames the dysfunction on the family and rigidity as the sources of the problems in the family. For the family to return to the point of functional equilibrium, its structure ought to be changed regarding the position of family members.

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For example, a situation may arise where a mother and son are very close and occasionally take sides against the father. So as to overturn this situation, the parents need to change their positions by reexamining their parental roles. Historical development Structural therapy approach can be traced back to the 1960’s, a period when Munichin (1982) was doing therapy and training at Wiltwyck, a school in New York. The sole purpose of this therapy is to add on the tractability of the family system. According to Hadfield (1982), a family structure is administered by two basic principles; first, there is a hierarchical structure in the family with parents having more power compared to the children. The second principle states that every family possesses its own distinctive nature. This means that families are unique in nature and every member of each family has distinct ways of interacting with each other (Aponte, 1992).

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Subsystems These are the smaller subgroupings of the whole family that are made up of individuals or groups of people. A section of joining obliges counselors to have a good understanding of the family’s problems that will make the family to have a feeling of being understood and heard. This part also tends to focus on strengths in the family, especially underlining positive ones, so that the family guarantees the skills that they possess. Munachin (1982) says the process of joining involves not only being accepted by the family but also being accepted as therapists in the family. For instance, Munachin (1982) finds that the act of joining requires different levels (Colapinto, J. For example, learning the language style of the family and mimicking some behavioral patterns and many more. It gives the family and therapists an opportunity to focus on positive matters rather than the negative ones.

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The approach is like other approaches since they all try to come close to a family on building and mending the relationships among family members (Simon, 1995). The most crucial part I have learned in structural theory is that therapists try to connect the family and at the end they achieve to solve issues that existed therefore structuring the family in appropriate manner. Part 2 Introduction Integration of faith and counseling entails using Christian values and teachings for helping conflicted individuals or counseling families that have lost track in life. Family counseling approach entails therapists working with the whole family at a time instead of individual members of a family. According to ACA (2005), in the case of non-Christian clients, openness must be corded to the individual or family, and by not mentioning any religion or spirituality to them might make them fear to share or make leave something out.

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For them to be comfortable in the session, giving them priority in sharing is essential. Giving the client an open door to spirituality where he or she is willing to open or close or enter when ready should be their choice (Sutherland, 2018). Pressing them to believe what I believe is not necessary, but one has to look for the opportunity to mention religion and spirituality in a general sense based on the view of the client. If the client tends to ask about the Christian beliefs, one should feel free to share. Spiritual foundations and the influence of a individual to bring him or her close to God are primary anchors in this approach. The blend of both cognitive and behavioral methods brings healing to a person or client. The way we perceive our emotions influences how we feel emotionally (Sutherland, 2018).

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Therefore, by changing the way we think automatically changes our behaviors and emotional responses. According to Sutherland (2018), the way or manner in which individuals behave is determined by their cognitions. Christian integration can also be employed in some situations since they literally use spiritual beliefs and religious culture in counseling. Therefore, family counseling can be approached using different techniques depending on the level of the issues and the client’s beliefs. References American Counseling Association.  American counseling association code of ethics, Alexandria, VA. Aponte, H. Gurman & D. P. Kniskern (Eds. Handbook of familv therapv (pp. New York: BrunnerIMazel, Inc. Peacock Publishers, Inc. Colapinto, J. Teaching the DiBlasio, F. A. The use of decision-based forgiveness intervention with intergenerational family therapy. pdf Simon, G. A REVISIONIST RENDERING OF STRUCTURAL FAMILY THERAPY.  Journal Of Marital And Family Therapy, 21(1), 17-26.

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doi. org/10. Handbook of family therapy training and supervision (pp. New York: Guilford. Sutherland, S. Integration of Faith & Counseling.  Implicit and Explicit Integration. Fishman, H. Family Therapy Techniques.  Family Relations, 31(1), 173. doi. org/10.

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