Financial Budgeting Analysis for Women with Disabilities

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Management

Document 1

The paper also highlights the impacts that befall women with (DIS) abilities due to exclusion and discrimination thus contributing to poverty and hindering them from being participated in public disclosure and decision making development processes. The paper also exemplifies how financial budgeting exclusion and discrimination for vulnerable women creates profound economic, social and financial constraints to them hence incurring additional expenses and face other challenges that contribute to economic destitution. Introduction Women with disabilities are consequently an important group who can equally contribute to the development of society; however, their abilities are not fully developed, owing to many obstacles and the decreased accessibility that persons with disabilities encounter in their life. Financial Budgeting Analysis within a non-profit organization for Women with and without disabilities and also Social welfare are very important components of the social and financial protection system, via which the non- profit organizations, expresses its care and assistance to the most vulnerable categories of women.

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The explicit goals in the field of the social and financial welfare refer to the reduction of poverty, ensuring protection of the most underprivileged and the high risk categories, as well as standards improvements for the exercise of the right to social and financial protection in view of prevention of exclusion (Vehner and Bianima, 2009). Within the non-profit organizations, financial budgeting analysis has created sector for equal opportunities, within the setting of the backing of policies that endorse gender equality, that exhibit its readiness to carry out a gender budget analysis of its own policies (social welfare and active employment policies) (Vehner and Bianima, 2009). Similarly, has ensured their corresponding resources, as the first step of a universal approach to equality issues and equal chances for both men and women. On the basis of gender budget analysis of the active policies of employment it can be concluded that there is an important inconsistency between the operational application and determined strategic plans concerning issues of gender; consequently, it is hard to validate the gender sensitivity of the processes.

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Resolution in nonprofit organizations programs of social assistance is a key document of the social strategic assistance common objective of which is to advance the quality of life of women and families and to increase social consistency and the social annexation of all population groups. The social assistance network defines programs and services linking to diverse groups of persons with disabilities, whereby the determined attempts to improve the variety, availability, and provision of improved approachability and availability of programs and services (Ronald Wiman, 2000). This will assist them, after the budget implementation; measure these policies effects that have had on the various beneficiaries. The extreme encounter that the experts encountered in the course of the analysis, and one of the main motives for the successive alteration of the methodology, was the data collection.

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The diverse procedures applied for data collection by the main institutions that are accountable for keeping records regarding the beneficiaries of these policies, and the absence of gender-disaggregated statistical records, further attest to be a big issue, as they delay administration bodies establishment and agencies should integrate in their scopes of proficiency the gender budgeting and gender concepts, as a model for formulating policy and effects of policy monitoring (Treasury and DTI, 2004). Conclusion The nonprofit organizations must develop approaches that would help the target and objective groups, and invent ways to present mechanisms that facilitate women access to the measures. In the employment policies, they should not be obstructive but open for all citizens, in particular, the inactive ones, by introducing activities for their encouragement and for inclusion, in particular of women, in the labor market.

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