Food Security and Food Sovereignty Brazil

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Anthropology

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The agricultural production is one of the facilitators of the economic growth given the contribution of a significant percentage in terms of their GDP levels. The nation is, however, on the category of developing nation but much upright in terms of food sovereignty. Questions on address • What foods are available? • What significance of food to economy? • Are there achieved levels to government as well as global market production of food contribution? • Is the food production reliable? • What food measures available in Brazil for security and sovereignty? Bibliography DIAS, Mildred GUSTACK DELAMBRE E. J. FOOD SOVEREIGNTY IN BRAZIL– ALTERNATIVES IN PERMACULTURE. Nobrega, C. October 6). Can 'agroecology' bring food security to Latin America? Retrieved from https://www. theguardian. com/global-development-professionals-network/2014/jul/28/agroecology-latin-america-smallholder-farmers The article by the Guardian Newspaper basis its argument on the direction of how agroecology can bring food security in Latin America.

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The food security or sovereignty provides to entail the relevance and availability of food to a population through their own measures of production and other incentives on which helps preserve the state of their consumption levels. Food security has been a global issue under which many nations have stepped up to indicate their onslaught of chasing out hunger strikes in their specific areas using or with the utilization of different methodologies suitable. Brazil is a developing nation contrary to what many people view its practice and especially in matters related to food security and agriculture. It is one of the countries in Latin America that has a growing economy and ranked among the top nations. However, it is still ranked as a developing country given the high levels of poverty and generally, the low gross domestic production provided.

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Significance of food grown Under this state of production, the foods serve the nature of offering a contribution to the economic development of the nation and make it sensible towards curtailing the effects of drought-related food insecurity issues. The foods are grown on the vast lands of Brazil and offer to cover the wide geographic locality that the nation sits in the coordinates of South America. The growing of these foods has been constant throughout the last 20 years and more given the measure that the country took in realizing their potential in food production after the end of the colonial period as well as the slavery state. Given the prevailing climatic conditions an which of late seem to shift due to the occurrence of global warming, the nation has concentrated on those sectors to satisfy its big population.

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Satisfaction of food to global market and government Controlling the 5. The application from this fostered and provided the measure of production gives mainly a concentration on consumption foods for families and locals that is food crop. On this provision of food crop, estimates provide over the years the Brazilian population has been able to get sustenance from its local production in the food sector given its area of concentration. There has been less reliance from outside nations in matters of food and even though the poverty levels still continue to exist, the population has gotten enough foods to address their issues. On the other hand, the non-family farm sector has driven to focus on large-scale food production and agriculture activities. In this, it means that the sector endows in the provision of export-oriented crops that are exported to other nations such as soybean, sugar cane, beef, and oranges, (Witman & Bless, 2017).

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Through the FOME ZERO, several programs were provided in different years and which ensured the nation is well prepared to handle the food security measures in their different years: • Ponan I and II 1973 • The National Food and Nutritional Programme 1976 • ENDEF-the National Study on Family Spending 1974 • PAT- the Workers Food Programme, 1976 • PNSN-the National Research Framework for Health and Nutrition 1989. All these programs were designated to address the issues surrounding hunger and nutrition in the Brazilian nation. More and more legislation and commissions have been adopted into the system and which have all in one way or the other applied to contribute on address risks on food insecurity and provision of measures under which that can get curtailed. The adoption of agroecology seems to be another form under which the Brazilian nation has shifted its focus on.

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The aspect of current changes in what people apply and chemical pollutants within the environment has resulted in risks towards the ecology and human nature. Journal of Agrarian Change 17. Nobrega, C. October 6). Can 'agroecology' bring food security to Latin America? Retrieved from https://www. theguardian.

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