Football franchise marketing plan

Document Type:Business Plan

Subject Area:Sports

Document 1

The plan would also put into focus the tactical and operational strategies that the franchise would need to adapt to satisfy their customers while focusing on being the best. First and foremost, this paper would provide the outcome of the various marketing research that was carried out before drafting the plan. From the research findings, the assignment would discuss the diverse environment in which the brand marketing needs to acknowledge before strategically developing how to position the brand and the value propositions of the same (Shank et al, 2014). The scholarly definition of the whole process would be termed as situational analysis in this paper. Secondly, the document would encompass critical issues such as the various business objectives as well marketing objectives that would lead to the success of the whole project.

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This implies that the marketing plan aims at nurturing a set of footballers who are physically fit and portrays a commendable gesture of flexibility, physical strength, speed, endurance, aerobic and anaerobic capacity just but to mention a few. This would form the basis of customer appeal and value propensity in the entire marketing process that needs to be launched. Thirdly, the franchise aims at sensitization on football both to the products and the consumers that they target. This objective would primarily focus the potential customers as it would ignite interests in them once they know what sporting entails (Ratten, 2016). Physical literacy would target the talented youths whose complacency and laxity bar from doing anything better than sitting on those talents. This would lead to winning the Super Bowl. Situational Analysis Strengths The business operates in a politically stable environment with no barriers of future uncertainties hence developing is not a big deal until the management fails to plan on how to market the services strategically.

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The other strength that the franchise enjoys is the fact that the economic status of Long Island is thriving at a faster rate hence the business has the potential to pick so fast. It is important to note that the culture of the residents is favorable to football services and so nurturing opportunities should be done smartly to succeed in the otherwise competitive environs. The demand for products is not panic in the targeted market since individuals are optimists full of enthusiasm and exploration spirit that would make them receptive to every other marketed product efficiently (Song et al, 2017). It is important to note that with no threats, no one would ever think of outdoing the other. Threats are there to make new East-End Islanders NFL football franchise great. Consumer Information One of the most critical sections in developing a plan is coming up with the consumer’s knowledge.

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This is obtained through carrying out rigorous marketing research that nearly every planner does. Before embarking on drafting this plan, the study has no choice but to carry out a market survey to establish the particular market segmentation that would provide the best results. A researcher must always take care of consumer dissonance; it determines one's loyalty levels. Marketing Strategies First, the plan would use the demographic type of segmentation that would make it easy to target a particular population (Mullin et al, 2014). The spectators and viewers if shows are easily segmented into cocoons that make it easy to overlap the whole population for more accurate results. The core Product is the football game publicity for the NFL. The brand NFL ought to gain prominence in the Long Island, and therefore it must be thoroughly advertised on the social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram just but to mention a few.

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Since the media is the fundamental platform for carrying out adverts, marketing would have no choice other than to but the media rights and protection. The plan would also encompass the Promotional aspect which translates to the backbone of the whole plan. The strategy would entail special promotions with jerseys once in a month to get more penetrative. The promotion would also seek to improve customer relations through the creation of good rapports, maximized media exposure of events that the fans need to know, sponsorship promotions that are cheaper and more accommodative, maintain the best public image and relations, create and negotiate contracts fairly, just but to mention a few. As such, every event that occurs must be made viral and trendy in all the social media platforms so that publicity is ultimately achieved.

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It must be noted that the customer’s coupons should not surpass $500 and are prone to improve by 10% after semi-annum. With this plan, the brand name would have enhanced while publicity would be higher. The last aspect of the Action plan is to deal with Sponsorship. The first sponsor would be the grand sponsor and would have his or her name on the billboards accompanied by the photo. By the end of the year, a group photo of the Franchise sponsors would be taken, and it would be used in all the companies’ adverts so that people get associated with the products. Ratten, V. The dynamics of sport marketing: Suggestions for marketing intelligence and planning. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 34(2), 162-168. Shank, M. D. When marketing strategy meets culture: the role of culture in product evaluations.

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Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 1-19. Tomczak, T. Reinecke, S. Kuss, A.

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