Forensic anthropology and forensic analysis
Document Type:Essay
Subject Area:Anthropology
p. At the same time, forensic analysis is used in the determination of evidence that is collected from a crime scene. There are several methods of forensic analysis that involves the examination of hair and fibres that are found in a crime scene (Jarvis et al. p. The intention of forensic analysis is to ensure that law enforcement authorities develop a correct identity of the individuals who committed the reported crime. Moreover, forensic anthropologists are responsible for conducting on-site identification of remains to ascertain whether they are human (Dupras, 2016, p. The process is important to assist law enforcement officers to search ensure that crimes scene are handled carefully to preserve the scene (Jarvis et al. p. Forensic anthropologists work with law enforcement officers to cordon the crime scene area. The screening process analyses materials from the surrounding area to identify associated insects to date identified human remains.
This is done to identify the deceased individuals and to ascertain their identity (Fisher 56). Law enforcement officers require the biological profile of the victim to determine the actual age and their sex. In effect, forensic anthropologists function by first applying their knowledge of dental and skeletal development to the conclusion that needs to be made (Dupras, 2016, p. The determination of the identity of the victim is done by determining the bone element the hormonal status and the nutritional status of the victim. Ascertaining the age therefore is done through radiographs and the dental record which assists them to ascertain the age range of an individual. As such, the evidence collection process also involves the documentation of eyewitness testimony. Forensic anthropologists ensure they document testimonies by providing a scientific explanation of the collected evidence.
In this manner, forensic anthropologists play an important role in establishing the cause of death and in ensuring that they work together with investigators to obtain reasonable conclusions from evidence. These are objectives that are written by applying existing knowledge to the human skeleton under investigation and the subject at hand (Bitzer et al. p. Forensic analysis is also conducted to aid in the interpretation of data and to ensure that concise and clear reporting is adopted (Dupras, 2016, p. Moreover, forensic analysts consider it to be important to generate a truthful testimony. Forensic science has become an important part of criminal convictions (Hester, 2017, p. This is because forensic analysis involves the collection and the application of scientific knowledge. This is an objective that is acquired by acquiring and applying the testimony of forensic scientist and ascertaining the outcome of a case.
In the same manner, forensic analysis is used to identify victims when bodies are unrecognisable. Through the use of forensic odontology, it is possible for an examination of the victims to be done to understand the overall structure of the mouth and the alignment of teeth. By examining restorative dental collections such as fillings, it is possible to identify a victim of crime. Granted, forensic analysis has been used to identify controlled substances. These are chemical substances that have the potential to be abused. The role of forensic anthropologists is therefore to ensure that the analysis of accidental deaths, homicides, mass fatalities and natural deaths is done to identify the perpetrators of a criminal incident. As a matter of fact, the role of anthropologists is important in assisting them to meticulously analyse human remains.
Forensic anthropologists also work with law enforcement officers in the laboratory to reconstruct the events at the time of death (Dirkmaat, 2015, p. Effectively, forensic anthropologists use their knowledge of human anatomy to assist law enforcement officers to analyse the biological profile of the victim and the personal history of the victim (Blau, 2016. P. The work of the forensic anthropologists is important to ensure that justice for victims and the identification process is successful. The Place of Forensic Analysis within Police Investigations Forensic analysis plays a major role in police investigations. Forensic analysts work with bodies in different conditions to determine the state of decomposed bodies and remains collected in the aftermath of natural catastrophes (King et al. p. In many cases, investigators believe that sorting out bone fragments according to their size and shape and fitting them together in the crime scene assists them to identify the sequence of events leading up to the murder.
The forensic analytical process is important in police work as it involves the examination of fibres and hair. Collections of hair are used to determine whether suspects are connected to the crime that is committed (King et al. p. The analysis of investigators on the crime scene is based on the fact that it has protected characteristics that identify the features of individuals from home their skeleton. To a large extent, the hairs demonstrate the diseases that an individual might have had. Forensic analysts may also be involved in conducting simulations (Fellini 102). In the same manner forensic analysis is used in the investigative process to analyse and examine inorganic and organic materials. Police use different analytical methods to ascertain the chemical composition of trace evidence found at a crime scene from the evidence that is found in substances that are linked to the suspect.
Since forensic pathology is a field within medical pathology, specialists assist investigators by conducting an autopsy in the event of an unexplained or unattended death. The tests involve the examination of the blood of the victim to determine how they died. The development of forensic analysis has assisted investigators to test bodily fluids, to conduct DNA profile extractions, to execute hair sample testing and to ensure that footprint and fingerprint analysis is conducted. Critical advances continue to be made in the forensic field. One of the major developments has been DNA phenotyping (Nakhaeizadeh et al. p. This is a trend that has focused on compiling the composite DNA without knowing who the suspect is. The creation of a 3D fingerprint database will be used to match fingerprints and identify them in the future to ensure that the process becomes more reliable (Nakhaeizadeh et al.
p. At the same time, omnichrome photography will develop considerably using different light sources to ensure that forensic examiners are able to examine and ascertained bruises on the body before they become visible to the naked eye. Equipment that allows forensic examiners to detect writings on papers is also expected to improve considerably to analyse the subject matter written on a paper which may not be visible by the naked eye. The evolution of technology has also improved investigative processes as an automated fingerprint identification system has been introduced. Blood pattern analysis has also been developed to examine the blood evidence that is left behind (Penfold-Mounce, 2016, p. The introduction of these techniques is used to develop conclusions of how the blood might have been shed from the crimes. Effectively, forensic analysts have been able to collect data from sputter patterns and other marks after a bloodshed (Ferllini, 2017, p.
The shape of the bloodstain pattern is often analysed to analyse the force that was used to propel the blood on the surface. Audio and video forensics have also been developed to assist law enforcement officers to identify the authenticity of audio evidence. Reference List Top of Form Agarwal, R. and Kothari, S. Review of digital forensic investigation frameworks. In Information Science and Applications (pp. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. and Delémont, O. Is forensic science worth it?. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 13(1), pp. Blau, J. Historical development of forensic anthropology: Perspectives from the United States. Taylor & Francis. Dirkmaat, D. A Companion to Forensic Anthropology. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. Dupras, T. Johnson, D. and Cuthbertson, E. L. Promoting student learning in criminal justice, stem, and forensic science: Aggie sleuth initiative (aggiesi)-guided inquiry learning experience.
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