Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Psychology

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The highly urge is revenge. Revenge is a type of degree to inflict injury in return of anything such as insult. The struggle of revenge has been around for many centuries. Many times the anticipation of revenge seems pleasurable but revenging brings minimal or fewer satisfactions and may even go to extreme ends pf bring more suffering or problems. However, many people view the purpose of revenge as a means to prevent threats or hostile actions in the future. All contribute to the consequences of mental and physical well-being. Forgiving and forgetting someone who cause pain may go against instincts of a person`s self-preservation or survival. One may think that forgiving someone is giving them a pass and they do not reverse or reduce the harm they have caused.

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People also think that failing to revenge may make someone to repeat an offense. Building the bitterness may create a mental prison for a long time. It is a lucky virtue for a person and the sanity. A person who remembers things is unfortunate and can later drive one mad, for instance holding a grudge because your mother beat you ten years ago or still feeling for a romantic relationship that lasted five years ago. The art of forgiving is a blessing in disguise. One should take the case of forgiving and forgetting as many people always say, “Forgive and Forget. ” Forgiveness has been associated with numerous health benefits such as reduced heart attack, pain, and blood pressure. From the study of the Journal of Health psychology, there is a connection between mental health and stress (Haling, 1994).

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The people who are a term to be highly forgiving do not have the case of stress. Additionally, a review from the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, it shows that people are forgiving increase feeling and connect with everyone on their every day’s lives. Forgivers may even be more likely to volunteer or donate to people. From the various benefits, who are these people who are highly forgiving? Many psychology researchers have found that ability to forgive and forget is correlated to many variables including multiple personalities either positive or negative. They are also morally responsible and can share resources with other. Emotional stability is also a personality that contributes to the virtue of forgiveness and forgetting. An emotionally stable person does not keep negative emotions and is not moody or sensitive.

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From many researchers, it shows that emotionally stable people have a high disposition of scoring higher in forgiveness scale than their counterparts, for instance, people who have been married for ten years and later divorce can cause intense emotions. However, a person who is emotionally stable will recover from the shock and keep his/her emotions in check. doi:10. 1017/cbo9781139150033. 020 Dogramaci, S. Forget and Forgive: A Practical Approach to Forgotten Evidence. Ergo, an Open Access Journal of Philosophy,2(20180912). Forgive or Forget: How Victim Motivation Following An Interpersonal Transgression Affects Apology Gift Preferences. PsycEXTRA Dataset. doi:10. 1037/e570052013-070 Revenge. (n. About Campus,1(4), 10-15. doi:10. 1002/abc. 6190010403 Bueno-Guerra, N. Book Review: Payback: Why We Retaliate, Redirect Aggression, and Take Revenge. Forgiveness: Who Does It And How Do They Do It (Vol.

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