Freeman brown private school fbps case study

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Business

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According to, (Tienken, 2011), this change of ownership from Brown and Freeman families to Caudill put the faith and trust for most of the parents at stake. The new owners came in with new management style and changes which did not appear to please most of the parents and students as well. This essay will be discussing the case study on FBPS especially the findings and the possible recommendations to this case study scenario. The essay will give an evaluation for FBPS in terms of; culture, systems, the prevailing climate, corporate social responsibility, the stakeholders, options considered by the management on closure, and a detailed focus on the future of Freeman Brown Preparatory School. Organizations as open systems and complex adaptive systems.

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The FBPS closing the media from accessing their meeting led to delayed information to the parents on the set dates for closure. Ultimately, this made parents to feel unrecognized, unvalued and betrayed for late announcements on the closure of FBPS. The late announcement on closure of FBPS subjected many parents to pressure on how to accept the transition since most of the schools around had filled their enrolments to capacity and were no longer accepting more students. The school didn’t reimburse the parents since the contract agreement was for a full term which further brought in more inconveniences to the parents. Internal Environment of organizations The internal environment of an organization refers to micro environment factors that are within the control of an organization.

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The administration, management and key stakeholders seemed to be completely different things. Whenever an organization has a disintegrated culture, it becomes very difficult to realize its long term and short term strategic goals. Dr. Murphy and Caudill Decision on closure The decision by the Dr. Murphy and the owners of the school (Caudill) to close down some of the campuses was characterized by poor management skills and wrong approach to dealing with environmental crisis which surrounded FBPS. Externally, FBPS was socially obliged to the society or the community from where it drew its resources from and its customers who in this case were the parents. The actions, policies and objectives by FBPS influenced ultimately these key stakeholders, hence the decision to close would be pegged on these factors in order to objectively make the right decision.

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Parents were frustrated and stranded on how to transition their students amidst a study period whereby no other school was accepting new enrolments. The community provided resources to this school possibly at a cost, its closure would implicate may families that relied on the school for survival. The employees of FBPS were frustrated also, since they exchanged their services for income. If only there was proper application of the above management theories concepts by FBPS management, there would have been better coordination and communication with stakeholders in order to come up with a well-planned decision on closure of the school without hurting key stakeholders, (Suddaby, 2010). For instance, through classical approach, the management of FBPS would have considered upholding its outstanding reputation in order to sustain its competitive advantage.

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This would have been a better move than closing down a school which had realized a commendable market share and public image for good performance. Again, by focusing on human relations approach, FBPS would have put the interests of the employee`s wellbeing first and considered a better move that would protect the interests of its employees. Finally by considering the modern management approach, the management of FBPS would have considered a good strike of balance between its internal environment and its external environment. (Fayol, 2016) Works Cited Tienken, Christopher H. "Charter Schools: Education Reform Or Business?".  Kappa Delta Pi Record, vol 47, no. 3, 2011, pp. https://scholarworks. "Information technology governance in information technology investment decision processes: The impact of investment characteristics, external environment, and internal context.

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