German reunification Essay

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:History

Document 1

Background information about reunification In 1961, Berlin Wall was erected by the East German between the West and the East German to separate the two Nations from interactions since the German Democratic Republic was a socialism State while the West German and its allies from the west were capitalist (Addison &DeFrank). As a result of this division, families lost close ties with some of their family members who got stuck on the other side of the Country. This led to a lot of pressure from the citizens to merge the two States and the West German was strongly willing to reunite but on the other side, East German declined the process of reunification because been a members in the Soviet Bloc made the Soviet Union pursue its interests through having an ideological conflict with the Federal Republic of German (Stephen).

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Additionally, East German was one of the successful States economically within the Soviet Union or bloc but its citizen demanded the reunification with their neighbors West German, who were enjoying and celebrating freedmen in their Country. This was opposite in their country since the regime was very authoritative and did not allow or give them freedom (Alan & Pischke). The system of government was a dictatorial one were by members of the public had limited rights that they could enjoy (Steven, p. West German had a well-established political and government structures and be the bureaucracy that aimed at improving and serving the members of the public (Steven, p. This came after a long fight by the association of Student who fought to liberate the oppressed within West German.

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On the other hand, East German had a political and government bureaucracies that undermined political processes and development of governance (Addison & DeFrank). As a result of this, it would be difficult for the two States, West and East German to unify under one State because some leaders from the East German appeared to fight the move and the process of reunification since they viewed that they will inherit the West German political and governance structures and process after the reunification process with the West. The same mode of production was adopted by the close allies of West German like France, Great Britain, and United States among others (Jennifer). As a result of this, the West German economy grew since people or individuals are competing for economy development and growth.

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On the other hand, East German embraced Communism mode of production whereby there is no individual ownership of property. Here, properties are owned by the society or State. There is no completion for economic growth and also development. The economy of the West German was highly developed and its conversion rates were low to the East German (Thomas & Pugh). On the other hand, the economy of the East German was well developed while in Soviet Union bloc but on reunification with the West allies such as West German, its conversion rate grew high and the cost of production went up resulting to a big challenge of the economic decline of the East German (Cecil). Company quitting the market The process of German reunification led to unanticipated problems and challenges to the economy more so to the Eastern Germans who were unified with the West German.

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A lot of companies more so from the East German underwent a screening that led to some companies leave East German leading to high level of unemployment (Alan & Pischke). In fact, more than three million people become employed as a result of this process of unification (Michael & Hunt p. Feminism East German was strongly developed in terms of empowering of all people from different gender in the matters of development (Heike & Sørensen p. On the other hand, West German had experienced a dark day for the empowerment of the women in matters of development of the society and family (Steven p. After the process of reunification, an anticipated difficulty came on board after the women from the West German were encouraged by the women from the East German to fight for their rights and inclusivity in the matters of development, leadership and family empowerment (Heike & Sørensen p.

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This is because, in the West German, the leadership was not valuing the importance of empowering women in the matters of development more so family matters (Oliver, et al. p. Also, West German allies such as Great Britain, United States, and France were affected socially and economically because West German was struggling with settling East German down and stabilizing its economy, political and social institutions (Addison &DeFrank). Conclusion In conclusion, therefore, the process of German reunification had a great positive and negative impact on both parties that is the West and East German. The process brought about unexpected difficulties that made the unified German to restructure itself to address those problems, though some of the problems still persist until today like pollution, unemployment, corruption among others.

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