Global Business Technology Implementation Report

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Management

Document 1

The results that were found will be analyzed and lastly a discussion section. The study used interview and online questionnaires. Questionnaires were used as the researcher can easily deduce meaningful data. Then interviews were conducted where the organization called some of the clients to confirm the changes in technology and their feedback. After the study was conducted, the researcher found out that the organization was lagging regarding technology. For this reason, there is a need to conduct regular business evaluations for the business to know their current financial and market situation. The study will determine the essential requirements of the company to implement the technology plan and decide how the idea will help the business. Similarly, Munoz (2018) argued that for better business performance the organization must check on the trends in the market.

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A business should be able to incorporate the current trends in the market to have good yields in the future. Grant & Jordan (2015) has argued that the market knowledge will enable to business to be always up to date regarding the satisfaction and the existing patterns. Conclusions were drawn depending data collected in the field. The study also had ethical considerations as the questions asked were not private to the clients and data obtained was used by the researcher alone, and no other party accessed the data. During the data collection, we encountered challenges like; data collected was not so accurate as we could not measure accuracy because it was an online collection. Also, not all the places were represented as some areas didn't give feedback. Results From the study conducted a lot of problems were recognized that could have affected the business implementation plan in the Australian region.

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For this reason, our sales have been falling every month. The economic variance was noted as the key factor in lowering the connection between us and our market. Therefore, necessary measures need to be implemented to ensure a shift in economic trends of the company. Technology Our market has been growing regarding technology for the past few years, according to the data collected the market technology has overdone our marketing criteria. For this reason, our adverts seem to be outdated in the market. Conducting the business worldwide is the best option or choice you can choose. Through global strategy, it is easy to replicate knowledge through the exposure you earn (Grant & Jordan, 2015). The way business is done at international standards is much different as compared to the local industry. A company that has grown from small and medium business develops a significant competitive advantage (In Agarwal, 2018).

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According to the nature of the market conditions and poor performance of the market, the company decided to shift the market to a new country that is South Africa. The strategy also promotes employees in the organization, through financial compensation. Requirements for the Global business strategy plan Competitive advantage As the primary goal of every business is to make profits, there are other factors that hinder their operations such as competition from other companies. Therefore, the primary question is whether the firm can be able to manage the low exchange rates or not so as to able to compete in the market with other rival companies. The business must be able to analyze the financial markets for it to make progress or success in the future. How the firm manages to survive the times when the currency is too low is the key to better future performance and existence.

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After the company investing what is the cost attached to the plan? Conclusions In conclusion, the market is growing at a significant rate. Therefore, there is a need to consider the current trends when analyzing the market. The global strategy is the best method of evaluating the current financial positions and determining the future status of the firm. The trends in business keep on changing as business intelligence grows, investors are coming up with new ways to monitor the market. The risks exposed to business needs to be mitigated well for the future existence of the business. Springer. Grant, R. M. Jordan, J. J.

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