Globalization and international hrm

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Management

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I would also like to thank Joan Orman, my great friend, and a person that we have worked together for many years for considering and recommending me for the job. I promise total cooperation and successful tips that will promote the overall success of the company. One of the issues that are seen in the structure of the organization that I have developed on the ASP Software Company is lack of communication in the company. Communication is one of the major factors that can initiate positive development and growth in organizational structure (Gahan et al. It is an issue that needs to be done with total consideration and care to determine and ascertain how the organization is running towards achieving its inert goals.

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Another major issue that I have noticed in the new changes that the organization would like to implement is the redundancy in the development and the inclusion of the new changes in its setting. The new changes have developed various departments to streamline the activities of the organization and ensure that the initiated changes can run with ease (Berry et al. For instance, the organization has developed the Sales and Marketing department, headed by Paula Washington. The same is also witnessed with the development of the Distribution department that is headed by Matthew Williams. The two departments that have been created in the organization are likely to create a misdevelopment and redundancy in how the operations of the company are running and the same may create negative overviews and developments which may create a conflict of duties and also supremacy battles between the two departments (Cable 101).

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Various issues can affect the recruitment scale in running and managing the organizational overview. For instance, issues such as sexual favors in recruitment and bribery can create various negative effects on the functionality of the organization. Recruitment should be based on merit, and any other factor that is hither to negative to this should be fully managed in the organizational overview (Carless & Sally 420). One of the things that I must commend you for undertaking and developing, in this case, is the delegation of duties. Susan, you have created one of the most inherent concepts that can help mitigate and promote the overall development concerns for the organization through developing a wholly fulfilling way of managing the organization through creating various departments that you have delegated all the duties in the organization.

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" Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 78. Fuglevand, Andrew J. , DAVID A. Winter, and AFTAB E. Patla. Grissom, Jason A. , Susanna Loeb, and Hajime Mitani. "Principal time management skills: Explaining patterns in principals’ time use, job stress, and perceived effectiveness. " Journal of Educational Administration 53. Jessiman, Wendy C. "Process evaluations for cluster-randomized trials of complex interventions: a proposed framework for design and reporting. " Trials 14. Brehmer, Alexandra, Bryan Lilly, and Michael J. Tippins. "Improving salesperson recruitment: Examining practices of screening candidates for potential success versus potential failure. "Developing a survey of barriers and facilitators to recruitment in randomized controlled trials. " Trials 13. Gahan, Peter, et al. "Economic globalization and convergence in labor market regulation: an empirical assessment. " The American Journal of Comparative Law 60. Tang, Heiwai.

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