Green cloud computing
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:Management
As a result, the network has led to an escalation in its use in many parts of the word. The main reason is the high scalability and effectiveness in the cost of the infrastructure of cloud computing. For example, the emergence of cloud computing technology has led to the improvement of several sectors of the economy in the world. Web applications and enterprise resource systems have emerged due to green cloud computing which is spreading at a very high rate across the environment. It is referred to as green cloud computing since it utilizes the remote network especially the internet to process, manage and share resources over a long distance in the entire environment in a parallel manner. Currently, the transactions that involve e-commerce are running concurrently due to cloud computing which is improving their success due to the high speed of sharing and managing the resources over the cloud internet.
Web queries are the main ways in which the cloud computing is enhancing the speed of operations. There is an increase in demand for parallelism in the sharing of resources. As a result, there are huge data repositories that store the information being shared by the devices accessing it. The servers that enhance the data sharing are placed in the remote centers over the environment to ease their access. For example, organizations like those engaging in financial matters maintain a large amount of data in the cloud daily to enhance easy retrieval. Due to that, data is arranged, grouped and accessed in a sequential manner to enhance parallelism and scalability. The aim of the research paper is to discuss the way the increase in the interest of the environment has paralleled the growth of cloud computing.
The discussion will be based on the relationship between green cloud computing and cloud computing in relation to the energy-hungry data centers and the way they are powered alternatively to minimize power consumption. The development of environmental issues such as Paris Climate Agreement will be discussed to explain their increase as well as the factors that influence within the environment. e. cloud. According to the statistical data by Forbes. com (2018), cloud computing was projected to increase between the period 2015-2020 from $162 billion dollars at the rate of 19%. By 2017, public cloud services market was predicted to have grown by 18%. Retrieved from: https://www. rightscale. com/blog/cloud-industry-insights/cloud-computing-trends-2014-state-cloud-survey On the other hand, the green cloud computing is a type of cloud computing though it mainly focuses on the environment. It emphasizes on how the network services are shared in an environment without interfering with it.
Simply, it seems to be environmentally friendly. com/articles/wp content/uploads/2015/06/AWS1. png Green computing acts as an IT process as it entails focusing largely on areas that need to be improved in terms of power management, recycling techniques, data center design, server virtualization, eco-labeling and sustaining the environment when designing efficient energy resources. The relationship between the green cloud and the normal cloud computing is that cloud computing makes the computer resources to consume more energy and power while polluting the environment while green computing is environmentally friendly and it solves the problems caused by cloud computing thus enhancing parallelism, scalability and cost-effectiveness. Importance of green cloud computing over cloud computing The main advantage of green cloud computing is reducing the effect of global climate change on the environment.
It does so by reducing the number of emissions that might be harmful to the climate of the environment. The use of virtualization of resources and services enhances processing of data thus saving huge electricity needed to operate many machines on the server (Indira, & Thangave p. Moreover, the resource efficiency in green cloud computing is enhanced as compared to cloud computing. Lastly, the green cloud providers and the recyclers enjoy the benefit of the reduced level of health risks that affect them as compared to cloud computing where there are many risks that come as a result of carbon emissions. Retrieved from: https://image. slidesharecdn. If the efficiency is 100%, then the resources do not waste much power but conserve as it recycles. However, cooling the machines also require energy but the green grid helps in minimizing the usage rate thus reducing the operational cost of the network (Bianchini, & Rajamony, 2003, p.
In such a situation, the power and energy are recycled rather than getting lost to the environment for it might interfere with the atmosphere. That is why the green cloud computing remains to be environmentally friendly. The technology used to conserve energy is the greed scheduling algorithm as it works together with the neural predictor to reduce the energy consumed in cloud computing. the methods are made to solve the problems of increased energy consumption in cloud computing. The approaches rely on the two directories such as the carbon emission and green offer. The green offer directory helps in the registration of the services of the providers after which the Green Broker accesses them based on important parameters like price and time. The technique reduces pollution of the environment by making sure that only a little carbon is emitted and the rest recycled.
Conversely, the carbon directory helps in keeping and storing data containing the information of the cooling efficiency of the data centers and cloud services thus enhancing efficiency. The other feature of green cloud computing is the production of services that are environmentally friendly as compared to carbon emissions from cloud computing. Such services are beneficial as they reduce the cost of operations of the resources accessing the green services. As a result, the feature increases the speed of accessing the services from the data center. Energy-hungry data centers The data centers came into existence when the internet was introduced. Such data repositories rely on the enterprise computing infrastructure that uses large data warehouses to store data about the network resources. The servers in such data centers fill the information to be accessed with ease thus saving any energy.
Moreover, the improvement in the efficiency of the data centers, as well as the use of renewable sources of energy in the data centers, helps in conserving the environment as green computing requires. According to Meijer (2010, p. the energy-hungry data centers require alternative means of powering. The aim is to reduce the power consumption rate as well as conserving the environment by lowering carbon emissions that are harmful to the environment. If the green data centers are used, the efficiency of cloud computing among the operating devices and users will be enhanced. Instead, the power-hungry data centers can be alternatively used to power the energy-hungry ones since they warrant advanced cooling and power saving capabilities (Dayarathna, Wen, & Fan, 2016, p. The aim of using the alternative powering technique for the data centers is to reduce the more energy consumed by the resources accessing the services from the database.
The most appropriate is using a power grid to power the energy-hungry data centers for it generates its own power that facilitates the operations even though such grid can develop mechanical problems (Bianchini, & Rajamony, 2004, p. Environmental issues Cloud computing has led to issues that affect the climate of the environment thus interfering with biodiversity through poisonous emissions. p. Environment and cloud computing increase The two are not both increasing. For instance, the environment does not increase but it only gets influenced to change. On the other hand, cloud computing is increasing due to its scalability in the delivery and consumption of services. While it enhances the sharing of resources, cloud computing has increased in growth for the last few decades (Hayes,2008, p. Similarly, the companies relying on cloud computing should opt for green cloud computing to advance their efficiency, parallelism, and scalability in their operations.
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