Hand Hygiene and Infection Control Review of literature

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Nursing

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We picked this topic to help create awareness on the need for proper hygiene and the benefits in reducing risks of infection to enable people to observe proper hygiene practices during insertion of Foley catheters. The Picot question for this literature review can be framed as in hospitalized patients (P), how well does implement proper hand hygiene precautions (I) compared to using improper hand hygiene precaution (C) reduce infections to the patients (O) during the insertion of Foley catheter (T). Assab and Temmie (2016) ROL Study 1: The role of hand hygiene in controlling norovirus spread in nursing homes The above research is investigating the purpose of hand sanitation in preventing the spread of norovirus during home nursing. The data was collected from a French nursing home and information was obtained from the residents, staff and inter-human contacts.

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While conducting the research, the researches established a model termed as stochastic compartmental illustrating the spread of the virus within health workers together with residents in a nursing home with 100 beds. The simulation was conducted over a period of 100 days and was carried out using the Gillespie’s direct method. The study involved running 4000 simulation replicates for each modeled case, after which the model outcomes were then averaged. The model was applied and the results obtained from the simulation analyzed by a software for computing statistic named as R version 3. “stats” and “graphics” were used as basic packages. The “eggplot” package was used for the figures layout. Criteria that was used to determine the participants were as follows; an adult of 18years and above had to be one of the nursing staff in that hospital, and will and readiness to comply.

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At the time of the study, the hospital had 23 beds put in different units with distinct purposes. The data was collected by administering questionnaires that had a series of questions. The questions were set to obtain data on three aspects which included; the hospital infrastructure in relation to the presence of alcoholic preparations to the nursing professionals, detailed information on the participants and those investigating the techniques on alcohol-based hand rub procedures. The obtained data were then processed by methods of statistical analysis in spreadsheets. Also, on assessing knowledge on the need to dry hands after rubbing a satisfactory was drawn with a score of 85. However, on assessing the participant’s knowledge on the minimum duration required by the procedure unsatisfactory responses were obtained at 18. and 59. on determining the need to have dried hands before the procedures.

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The conclusion for the research study indicated that the nursing professionals had insufficient knowledge hence the need for creating awareness and continues education on proper hand hygiene with the use of alcoholic preparations to enhance patient’s safety and reduce instances of the spread of infection. As a result, 200 procedures on HH were to be observed during each shift amounting to 1200 chances for selected individuals in both adult and pediatric oncology units. However, the study indicated a total of 1397 activities on hand hygiene procedure. The people who were carried out the observation and recording of data were trained to ensure appropriate actions. The data was collected in a duration of one year, in working shifts of morning, afternoon and evening. Each observer was to stay at a particular unit for two hours and at periods of much activities.

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Higher rates were however recorded in the moment of after exposure to body fluids. The conclusion of the study is that the participants recorded a tolerable level of adherence as per Carter’s index outside WHO guidelines. Conclusion All the three studies illustrate that compliance with proper hand hygiene standards is critical in reducing infection. The studies further emphasize that health practitioners that handle patients often should practice proper hand hygiene as this would greatly reduce incidences of disease infection. To add, insignificant results are recorded when patients themselves practice proper hand hygiene in relation to infection reduction, as indicated in the study by Assab and Temmie (2016). Purposive sampling design was used. Nurses are not sufficiently knowledgeable on the use of alcohol based sanitize and their significance in reducing infection Weak Llapa-Rodriguez EO, Oliveira JKA de, Menezes MO et al (2018) To analyze compliance to hand hygiene standards by health professionals Actual hand hygiene practices measured against the WHO’s standard recommendations.

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Adherence was classified using the carters index Quantitative, cross-sectional study design Sampling size was 1397 observation opportunities. Sampling design was simple random sampling Poor adherence was recorded hence need to create awareness on the need for adherence to reduce infections Not strong Reference Assab Rania, Temime Laura (2016), “The Role of Hand Hygiene in Controlling Norovirus Spread in Nursing Homes” BMC Infectious Disease DOI 10. s12879-016-1702-0 Derhun FM, Souza VS de, Costa MAR et al (2018), “Use of Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizer for Hand Hygiene” J Nurs UFPE on line.

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