Hand hygiene and infections in hospitals

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Nursing

Document 1

A1: Description of the Research The quantitative research is concerned about hand hygiene in hospitals and the infections caused through the hands. The study represents quantitative data to prove that hand hygiene is a crucial way of controlling diseases in hospitals. In this quantitative research, the main focus is to address four primary areas of concerns, the background or introduction, review of the literature, data analysis, and the methodology used in the research. In the introduction or background section, quantitative research gives an overview of hand hygiene in the hospitals as recommended by the World Health Organization. Hence, the main focus of the introduction is the determination and seeking for more knowledge of hand hygiene and the individual or organizational predictors in the hospitals.

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The study used different methods for the data analysis such as the use of standard deviations, calculating mean scores of the nurses with knowledge of hand hygiene, use of tables that consist of demographic data and characteristics of nurses in the hospitals. According to the research, 100% of the participants were female nurse constituting of 95. 5% as the baccalaureate, and 4. 5% had masters in intensive care. This data was used to study the objective of quantitative research. Therefore, the background information of the topic, methodology, data analysis, and review of the past literature provides full support to the pieces of the evidence supplied by the outcomes of the research. A3: Protection and Considerations of Human Rights The quantitative research collected data from the nurses who were willing to participate in the filling of the questionnaires.

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The study also received data from the nurses with more than three months of experience who could provide valid data due to the knowledge and experience in the neonatal units. For the protection of human rights, the research does not display the participants’ private data. The researchers also collected data from the participants after the approval and permission by the Regional Ethics Committee and acquisition informed consent from participants. The introduction also gives extensive knowledge and an overview of the relationship between hand hygiene and infections in hospitals. The research also indicates that the chief cornerstone of infection control in the hospitals is adequate hand hygiene. The introduction part well explains the reasons behind aiming at improving the hand hygiene in the Australian hospitals which reduce the healthcare-related infections.

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The background information of the study demonstrates the setting where the research was conducted. The review of literature in this qualitative profoundly explains the topic under concern. The introduction of the article relates the themes that link the hospital cleaning staff to the hand hygiene that the people are the primary cause of the infection in hospitals since the culture of hand hygiene is drummed to them. The introduction supports the idea that people should clean hands which should be presented in every corner through big signs. The literature review, on the other hand, provides evidence on the research outcomes supporting the personal value of hand hygiene. The methodology and data analysis also evidence the results of the research by giving the participants of the study who were influential in promoting hand hygiene in hospitals.

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