Health quality improvement medical ethics and law

Document Type:Coursework

Subject Area:Health Care

Document 1

For instance, the legal right of making independent health care decisions is the right entitlement to people. However, individuals’ ability to exercising their rights can be jeopardized by poor health. For this rights to be safeguarded, advance planning and thinking is a crucial requirement (Shanks, 2016). The chronic or sudden disorder can attribute to profound confusion and weakness may lead to unwillingly control loss by making people vulnerable. It is difficult for patients who are mentally or physically impaired to conduct their personal affairs and make their desires known as they wish others to respect them. All the clinicians including physicians and pharmacists need to be informed of the judicial and Congress regulations being explored. The precarious clinical and economic balance is facing stresses due to high costs of health care environment triggered by the wide acceptance of technology in biotechnology and genomics solutions.

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This scenario has led to dramatic impacts on practices of clinical professional and patient care. The health care reform from legislation continues to evolve the system of healthcare delivery as medical organizations are expected to strictly adhere to the emerging rules of state and federal policy (Martinez et al. Part One: References Townsend, M. Martinez, O. , Wu, E. , Sandfort, T. , Dodge, B. , Carballo-Dieguez, A. Every aspect of healthcare is less likely encompassed by the legal system since the field of medicine is increasingly becoming complex. Clinical tools in the management of medical and ethics quality are an important factor in the process of resolving unclear situations which are not properly encompassed by legal opinion or law. Medical ethics is of greater importance in improving patient care quality through the provision of a platform that addresses dilemmas and issues arising in the medical practice.

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Healthcare staffs, families and patients are mostly confronted with challenging decisions with regard to patient care. This situation is more intense especially when the right actions to take are unclear or during the existence of uncertainty in coming up with the best decision for patient care practice. In other occasions, the QI initiatives may even result to waste of health care resources which are scarce. Arising of ethical concerns is also attributable to improvement activities which are miss-interpreted as an aspect of healthcare research where patients are used as subjects of experiments. If the above notion is factual, then the Quality improvement would be subjected under regulatory requirements and complex review which established to regulate various types of research such the biomedical studies.

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But given what the QI entails, is this type of regulatory restriction necessary? Does it offer an effective means of ensuring quality improvement is conducted an ethical approach? These questions are both practically and conceptually significant. However, the attempts of addressing quality improvement from a perspective that is ethical are relatively few. However, their contexts leave pending questions on the aspect of initiating such a reform. Also, there is an uncertainty of actionable subsequent steps under the current governing regulations. Focusing on the issue of interface between quality improvement and ethical concerns, many complex issues are brought to phases just as seen in this context. It can be argued that Quality Improvement and quality improvement research are both indistinguishable within the healthcare sector as they are adequately distinct from other types of clinical studies or research.

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