What is the NCHS
Document Type:Coursework
Subject Area:Health Care
b) How many fixed racial categories are recognized by the NCHS in its data collection and reporting system for births? They are 10 fixed racial categories that NCHS designates in creating official statistics. c) In contrast, how many different text versions of race did North Carolina mothers write-in when asked to identify their own race? They gave six hundred text versions of races as captured by EBC system for 117,949 births. What determines the racial classification of a baby born in North Carolina? In other words, if a baby is listed as “American Indian” on a state health department electronic birth record, how did that term “American Indian” arrive in that birth record since the baby cannot tell us how it self-identifies? Before 1990, the race of the parents was used to determine the race of the child by subjecting them to a complex algorithm.
Again in NCHS, the races of the mother and child are similar, meaning if the mother’s race is “American Indian” as recorded in the EBC system then the child’s race is the same. What is the BRFSS, and how is data collected for this? BFRSS is a random telephone survey of people aged eighteen years and above. These terms have been grouped so that they indicate their identity in the 10 racial fixed categories (Paul et al 395). For example, Moroccan, Turk, Egyptian, Mexican, Hispanic, Persian, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Yugoslavian, Syrian will be coded “white”. In North Carolina, what are two health behaviors that distinguish women who self-identify as Hispanic from women who self-identify as white? In other words, when we look at public health data for North Carolina, we see that Hispanic women have a lower rate of one health behavior compared to white women, and a higher rate of another health behavior compared to white women.
Identify the two health behaviors. These first health behaviors are the smoking habit of a Hispanic mother during pregnancy and a relatively low weight of their newborn babies while the other health behavior is the relatively high birth percentage with a prenatal care that begins when the first trimester ends or without prenatal care. African American/black 779 34. Hispanic/Latino 2295 4. white 1942 12. multi/other/unknown 529 - c) Does the racial/ethnic group with the lowest NUMBER of cases of gonorrhea also have the lowest RATE? Defend your argument with specific evidence from the data table. No, because it is the one with the highest total number of rates as indicated by the data from the table. Here, the number of deaths of all races, white and black non-Hispanic increased from the year 2012 to 2015 but for other races increases from the year 2012 to 2013 and then decreases from that year to 2015.
Based on the 2015 data for New Jersey adults age 65 and older who say they got a flu shot (“Influenza Vaccination”) in the past 12 months, how do black residents compare with white and Hispanic residents (as a group, are black senior citizens overall doing better, worse, or about the same as each of the other groups)? Defend your argument with reported percentages, based on what you see on the bar graph or data table. The black senior citizens are doing better compared to white and Hispanic senior citizens. This is evident from the data in the table whereby black have a lower percentage estimate for immunization of 47. as compared to those of white and Hispanic whose estimated percentages are 62. nj. us/doh-shad/indicator/view/ImmFlu. Community. html https://www. cdph.
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