Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:Nursing
The CMM motivates hospitals based on several merits which include the quality of services provided as well as keenness observed by the hospital management in following the obligatory clinical practices. Other considerations made are based on the efforts that the hospital puts in to enhance the experiences of the patients during their stay in that particular hospital. Jones, 2017) Four domains are applied to reflect the hospital quality by the VBP program. These domains include the patient and caregiver experience coordination domain, the clinical care domain, the cost reduction domain and the safety domain. The survey was done based on the patient, and caregiver experience is based on the communication between the patients and the nurses. Therefore it will ensure that every individual is who gets too work for the organization values the quality of serices offered, more than the quantity.
Jones, H. B2. Goal- the main goal for this department will be to ensure that the organization employs the most qualified personel for every department. The department will guarantee the management of the workers because they will be the most valuable assets of my organization. Forsyth, S. B4. Key Points ( • Improvement of communication skills • Every member of staff must observe high levels of higene • Keen observation of all relevant medical ethics • Timely atendace to all the patients without any discrimination whatsoever • Adhearance to all the policies put in place by the administration • Uphold motivation on the main agenda B4A. Marketing Techniques for those Key Points • Training and creation of awareness among the employees • Collecting feedback from the employees and patient as well • Making sure that everyone is always focused on the main agenda • Making necessary changes to the established key points.
Haire, M. This department will ensure that all the standards that have been set by the VBP programs are met. The VBP surveys in most cases major on the communication effectiveness between the patients and all the members of the staff. The department will help eradicate any mistakes that may occur during the various interactions. B3. Attaining Quality Outcomes in patient care over next 3 years. • Specified mode of application of these events is necessary. • Information events will take place in a sequential formation to help create anticipations. Caldwell, B. Garrett, S. Boustany, K. Gillon, R. Lloyd, A. In the current business environment, businesses are faced with numerous ethical issues, which makes this particular organization with no exemption. Gannon, C. Gallagher, A. Section B7 Timeline: Time Increments Human resourse Department Public relations Department Marketing Department 0-12 months This department will have employed the most competent employees for each department as the organizational goal for the department dictates The public relation department is expected to have established the most reliable communication channels before the speculated time As discussed before, this is a crucial department that ensures that the services of the organization are known to the people.
Half of the country should know about us before the end of this period 12-23 months Withn this period of time , the department wil have established the most explicit members of different departments the rihtful means necessary. This department will guarantee that all the standards that have been set by the VBP programs are met. Actual marketing plans should be on the ground and running within this period of time. this section must have put the plans in place so that the other departments can work towards unlimited productivity. Caldwell, B. Garrett2010) They are needed to be able to share data through a centralized communication channel. Each department or section of the organization will be headed by the most equipped personel who will have the authority to dictate the quality of service his or department will offer.
All the essential departments need to be focused on embracing the VBP system which only works for the improvement of the service quality of the hospital. The central departments selected for this project are most likely to be involved in the events that will include the patients in a large percentage. The CMS rewards the hospitals based on how loosely they follow the best clinical practices as well as enhancing the patient's experience. The human relations department is charged with the responsibility of spreading information on the basic concepts of how these processes are done. This department will work trelesly aiming at improving th HCAHPS survey scores. Basd on the previously conducted research, CMS awards points to healthcare organizations based on the difference between its performance during the performance period, and performance during the baseline period.
Grunig, J. Nissen, S. Longworth, D. The three departments are capable of accomplishing all the goals that have been set for the whole institution. Communication has been recognized as one of the leading critical contributors towards achieving the highest quality services any hospital has ever offered. Each department will be equipped with communication specialists whom will be trained by the human resource department. Hired specialsts will also be included in the programs whose main purpose will be to impact additional and exra ordinary knowledge on our staff members. The Staff members will participate in simulated situations before implementation to gain the understanding of the importance of this resourcefulness. This act will take place either within or outside the organization References Caldwell, B. Garrett, S. Boustany, K. Explaining the complexities and value of nursing practice and knowledge.
In I. Morley & M. Crouch (Eds. Knowledge as value: Illumination through critical prisms (pp. Journal Of Product & Brand Management, 21(5), 380-381. doi. org/10. Hunt, G. Gannon, C. doi. org/10. j. x Merlino, J. Kestranek, C. Journal Of Marketing Management, 1(3), 265-289. doi. org/10. x. Quality Initiatives - General Information - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. gov/Medicare/Provider-Enrollment-and-Certification/SurveyCertificationEnforcement/index. html Swigert, N. Health Care Economics Committee Update. ASHA Leader, 8(13), 3. doi.
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