Hollywood Exegetical Essay

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Film

Document 1

The Hollywood industry has experienced a variety of wide range of changes over time. A number of writers have made attempts to define and redefine Hollywood in line with the changes it has experienced over time. These writers have shown differences and similarities in their concept writing depending on their respective writing periods. Technological changes are one of the factors that have affected the Hollywood industry over time. It is very important therefore to evaluate the Hollywood industry based on facts from distinct writers. Hence, filmmaker’s views and preferences are put into consideration during production. Sundance Films also considers budgetary aspects whereby, modern are produced overtime to maintain competition. According to Newman, independent cinema is distinct from art and mainstream cinemas. Independent cinema allows culture embracement. Also, he asserts the fact that Indie Cinemas are based on real and independent occurrences.

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The major change that has occurred over time is that the Independent films have been mostly disregarded and filmmakers are not willing to finance their shooting. Hollywood in the New Millennium stretches from 1930 to 1939. Tino Balio expresses the fundamentals of modern Hollywood. His views about Hollywood has been adopted in the last one and a half decades. He addresses production as well as the economic welfare of media and film production houses in America. Hollywood Filmmaking in The Studio Era: The Genius System, addresses the frame of 1920 to 1950. Schatz expresses the need to consider the producer of films as the most crucial person. Schatz expresses the history of the film industry by the use of case examples such as the Warner Brothers, who cooperate producers and David O. Selznick. He encourages individual film production rather than the use of studios for production.

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They also identify the fact that Hollywood has found its way not only to local markets but also to the international market. The role played by Hollywood in global entertainment has also been recognized by the three writers. Similarly, all the three writers have recognized the various roles played by the studio either for the development of Hollywood or otherwise. Schatz, Balio, and Newman address the transition of Hollywood from the traditional studio phase to "The New Hollywood" phase. Schatz mainly based his work on the Studio era where the filmmakers had their way of generating films. Schatz asserts that the Hollywood industry aims at maximizing profits (Schatz, 52). The Hollywood in the New Millennium puts the audience in control such that the preferences of the audience are to bed considered first.

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Film production, therefore, relies heavily upon the current consumer demands. Indie: An American Film Culture aims to establish a platform for the integration of different cultures. This usually occurs through various cultural festivals among other occasions. Differences have risen on whom to prioritize. Schatz affirms that the producer should be prioritized (Schatz, pg. while Balio put across that the audience preferences should determine the quality of films being produced (Balio 34). However, Newman asserts that films should achieve the initial objective of nurturing talents, by putting into consideration the various views and opinions of filmmakers. Work cited Balio, Tino, and British Film Institute.

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