Hotel of Escargo Quality Improvement

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Management

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In addition, this buys the hotel some loyalty from the customer which may be repaid back in the form of future visits. The mission of the hotel is to serve the business and pleasure traveler by making customer satisfaction priority number one through top quality service, amenities, comfortable surroundings, and friendly employee. Their missions have led the hotel management to realize some shortcoming in its checking system. Upon the annual review of the Hotel Escargo chain, it was discovered that there was room for improvement with the check-in and check-out system implemented by the Rooms Division Department. In addition, there are many areas that the hotel can improve to raise the overall quality and customer satisfaction. This is close to 99. 9997% of quality services which is near perfection.

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DMAIC Process In line with quality improvement, six sigma takes in its implementation the Deming process of quality improvement. This involves the inclusion of various steps aimed at preparing an organization for quality management as well as enhancing the level of quality achieved. The process is carried put in various steps. Therefore measurement is crucial. This can be done by a process like statistical process control, measuring defects, calculating time motions or maybe timing delay. All these measures are updated to ensure that quality implementation is not a blind process but has adequate parameters that can be improved upon. The other process is Act which makes use of the goals identified in the definition of the problem and seeks the level of improvement desired given the measurement carried out.

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The action is the most crucial part of the process as it ensures that it implements various aspects of quality as intended. This evaluation is done to monitor the frontiers achieved through the implementation. When a process has been acted upon through the implemented strategies, and there is still no improvement as defined by the goals, the process is restarted over again (Snee, 2017). Statistical tools like control chart as well as fishbone diagrams are used for controlling the processes. This denotes that the process may have a defective problem identification which may have been missed at the start. The only remedy that is affected by control is the revaluation of the process gain and coming up with new solutions. There are two ways to verify the reservation: reference an ID number OR verify a driver's license or some other form of ID.

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The guest retrieves a key or key card at the front desk. The clerk notifies the bellman if the customer needs help to his/her assigned room. In cases where the room is unavailable due to cleaning or otherwise, the clerk informs the guest of the situation and determines if another equivalent room may be assigned; otherwise, the guest waits. Once the guest is informed that the room is available, the clerk notifies the bellman as required to assist the guest in his/her room. DMAIC System Analysis The process reveals some inherent problems which should be tackled in earnest. It takes an average of four minutes to check in the hotel, three minutes to check out and almost ten minutes to change rooms.

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This indicates significant delays especially when the demand is high. The problems can be traced in the systems used to check in and check out the guests. First, there is a queuing system which heralds problem in every quality improvement problem. This card is fed with the bio details or the holder upon reservations or checking at the counter. A central way of receiving this data agrees with the bank where the detail of the guests is stored or checking with the national system from the social security number. Thus, all a guest need to do is mention his or her name and is hard on the card. The same card should be used for billing the customers and also opening the hotel room doors.

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This translates the job of checking in and checking out from keying in the details and charging the bills to just issuing the card and centrally monitoring the ensuing expenditures. In the reservation agencies, the customers can leave crucial details about their stay, the places they will tour among others. This allows the hotel to plan for the guests before they knock their doors. These plans include boosting their capacity through arrangements with other hotels, the creation of teams that focus on the key areas of quality such as clean rooms, swift customer response, among others. These processes also involve costs which would spike up in a great way. However, quality improvement calls for the minimization of waste which in turn led to lower costs.

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