How does fatigue and perceived stress impact on the interpersonal conflicts experienced by nurses in the workplace

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Psychology

Document 1

The method used to investigate the problem statement was by self-report questionnaires. There will be no assistance rendered to the participants in the questionnaire. The sampling method would be used to calculate all information given by the demographic to ensure accurate results. Instrumentation that will be used is by means of a scale that consists of five options ranging from 0-5. Collection of data is to be done between the months of August to September 2019. Research Questions and Hypotheses. Chapter 3: Methods. Research Design. Participants. Targeted population. Usually, this comes when there is understaffing of nurses, excess workload, and working for long hours (Kim, Nicotera, & McNulty, 2015). Unfortunately, both perceived stresses and fatigue are strongly linked to interpersonal conflicts between nurses and doctors, and sometimes, it could occur between two departments, such as the emergency rooms and operating room.

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Interpersonal conflict is common in most hospitals found in many towns worldwide including Trinidad and Tobago (Shah, 2017). However, it causes and a number of demerits when it comes to delivering quality care. These include low staff morale, poor team performance, low-quality health care, burnout, and high cost of care (Shah, 2017). it was evident that conflicts among health practitioners is inevitable and that stress and fatigue are a great contributor, hence, proper conflict resolution strategies need to be put used in finding a solution (Baddar, Salem, & Villagracia, 2016). Problem Statement Many nurses in the world experience fatigue and perceived stress during their daily work activities (Lahana et al. This has been attributed to the shortage of nurses, working for long hours, and poor leadership, among others. As a result of this, nurses lack time to reflect their life as well as build healthy relationships with colleagues.

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Constant stress and fatigue experienced by nurses allows interpersonal conflicts to arise between nurses and other caregivers (Baddar, Salem, & Villagracia, 2016). Therefore, it is important to clearly identify the relationship between both fatigue and perceived stress, and interpersonal conflicts experienced by nurses in the hospitals located in the Caribbean, Trinidad, and Tobago. According to McGowan and Murray, (2016), accurate correlation of stress and fatigue with interpersonal conflicts among nurses will enable proper mitigation of the problem, thus, fostering interpersonal relations leading to good health care. According to Machado, Abelha, Novais, Neves, and Neves, (2010) unity of health care providers is a major step in the provision of quality care. This is due to the fact that different healthcare practitioners have different knowledge and skills important in improving the health of a patient (Conradie et al.

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Almost et al. Conradie et al. in their study also found out that interpersonal conflict raises medical costs for patients, and this can be avoided when the cause is identified and a solution provided. There is also low staff morale, reduced team performance, poor-quality health care, burnout, and high cost of care (McGowan & Murray, 2016). Based on an article by Brandford and Reed (2016), nurse fatigue and stress can also result in depression which is relatively high among nurses compared to other professionals, Thus, it is important to find out the relationship between perceived stress and fatigue and interpersonal conflict, since, without clear identification of a cause, it is impossible to provide a solution (Baddar, Salem, & Villagracia, 2016). Purpose Statement The aim of this survey research is to assess the relationship between fatigue and perceived stress and interpersonal conflicts experienced by nurses in hospitals found in the Caribbean.

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This being said a person’s internal or external environment could also have a basis on how they may be able to cope in situations deemed harmful or challenging to them. Poor workplace conditions with respect to lack of management support and other interpersonal conflicts exhibits eventually leads to dissatisfaction with nurses emotionally through perceived stress (Safarpour, Sabzevari & Delpisher, 2018). According to Portoghese, Galletta, Coppola, Finco & Campagna, (2014), burnout and stress are one of the highest named factors proven to cause many issues with hospital workers, especially nurses. The lack of cohesiveness in the workplaces caused by linkage between interpersonal conflict and perceived stress in nurses expressed along with fatigue due to incompatibility of nurses to formulate due to long hours and an unhealthy work environment (Magnan, Beaver &Suchy). Cognitive break down due to perceived stress can be stabilized once all members of the nursing staff works towards solving their own conflicts constructively and work together to have a healthier workplace environment (Kim, Bochatay,Relyea-Chew,Buttrick,Amdahl,Kim, Frans,Mossanen.

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• Hazard- a danger or risk (oxford dictionary, 2019) Research Question and Hypothesis Research question 1 The relationship between perceived stress and fatigue that affects interpersonal conflict with nurses in the workplace. H0: There is no relationship between perceived stress and fatigue to impact interpersonal conflict with nurses in the workplace. H1: The higher levels of perceived stress and fatigue will lead to conflict that is more interpersonal with nurses in the workplace. Jordan,Khubchandani,Wiblishauser,2016). This hypothesis is based on findings that work related stress vulnerability have impacted how nurses perform under stressful situations in the workplace (Giarelli, Denigris, Fisher, Maley & Nolan, 2015), Research Questions 2 The relationship between fatigue and interpersonal conflict with nurses. While comparing studies it was revealed that policymakers and management of these institutions must implement new polices and guidelines to assist with work-related fatigue in nurses.

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Hanif Abdul Rahman, Khadizah Abdul-Mumin and Lin Naing) Therefore the aim is to provide evidence to show that implementation of new policies is necessary. In choosing this sampling method we may gain some advantages, such as, it is convenient, close proximity, it is cost-effective and timesaving. Recommendation of the sampling method by previous literature because its user friendly and most participants volunteer to participate in the survey (Etikan et al. Although, researchers do not encourage generalization is goal is to gain knowledge of the relationship between perceived stress, fatigue and how it fosters interpersonal conflicts in the workplace. The Likert scoring system assigns scores 0-3 as the available answers; the use of a bimodal scoring system will be used where the first two are allocated zero and the last two allocated one, thus, the total score range from 0 – 11.

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The Cronbach’s alpha for this scale is. based on previous studies the reliability was said to be considered to be satisfactory. Cohen and Williamson’s Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) The Cohen and Williamson’s Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) is a self-report questionnaire that consist of 14 items, it is intended to calculate to an extent of how stressful situations in an individual’s life can be. Participants can choose their answers from a 5-point Likert scale, the higher the score signifies higher stress levels, the scores range from 0 – 56. Granting of permission for this period by the department of Social and Behavioural Sciences from College of Science, Technology & Applied Arts of Trinidad and Tobago (COSTAATT). We will create a portfolio, which would contain our research proposal for our study, and an ethical package, which would consist of information of how we intend carry about the study while abiding to the ethical standards described in the American Psychological Association (APA), Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct (2010).

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Submission of this portfolio to the department hoping we get approval to proceed with the study. We intend to use set procedure to collect our data because this seems to be most effect since we have to work within time constraints (Creswell, 2014). Because our sample is a chosen from the public we need to develop a inform consent document for our participants. APA (2010) also states storage of the raw data for 5 years. In following APA guidelines, we will keep and use all collected data on a flash drive while deleting other copies off all the computers and devices in the collecting and analyzing of the data additionally shredding of all paper documents. In the event that other researchers are interested in doing the same study our data collected and result would be available to them within the 5-year period as suggested by APA guidelines (APA Ethics Code Standard 6.

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Documentation of Professional and Scientific Work and Maintenance of Records). Limitations The major limitation for this study is time constraints. Creswell, 2014). Sampling error maybe more common with the non-probability sampling method (Creswell, 2014), the data received from the study it is not acceptable to generalize the result for a larger population, but on the other hand we can generalize for the sample population (Creswell, 2014; Kumar, 2011).  Ethical Consideration According to the APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct (2010) there are outlines of several ethical guidelines and principles to guide researchers as the carry on their study hence applying ethical consideration to the researcher and study. Seriousness of privacy and confidentiality is one major ethical consideration used during this research.   Researchers must be obligated and use reasonable precautions to ensure the data obtain from the study must be protected as the data is confidential information and must be stored in a secured medium (APA, 2010).

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