How has health policy impacted care delivery sites consolidation providers

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Nursing

Document 1

For instance, in the US, expenditure in the healthcare industry is approximately 18 percent of the country’s GDP. Compared with other developed countries, this level of expenditure is enormous, yet the results are dismal. Further, the expenditure continues to outpace economic growth in the country (Gaynor, p. However, the healthcare industry is essential in the economy because healthcare services can save lives and have an effect on the quality of life, an aspect that improves the wellbeing and productivity of citizens. In the US, the healthcare system is riddled with concentrated markets. The prevailing results prove the contrary (Gaynor, p. Finally, since the healthcare industry is based on markets, the state and the federal government should use the available tools like enforcing anti-trust laws and certificate of need requirements among others to protect the patients’ interests and ensure healthcare competition.

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What legislation on the local, state, or national level has had the biggest impact on healthcare in the last 10 years? In the United States, the healthcare system operates independently and at times in collaboration with each other. The powers in this sector have divided the state and the federal government. For instance, states are responsible for managing public health functions, paying a percentage, setting health insurance and rules as well as shaping organizations within the state among others. This translates to reduced healthcare expenditure and thus saving costs for most organizations. Based on this discussion, there is an array of legislative tools at the disposal of the local, state and federal government that can be used to enhance public health. Hence, stakeholders should acquaint themselves with these tools to protect the public’s health by preventing any health hazards present in their midst.

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Is healthcare a right or a privilege?” Defend your answer The discussion on whether healthcare is a right or privilege remains widely debated in recent times. People hold divergent views on the topic with some arguing it is a right and others believing it is a privilege. An examination of the current system, both the private and public sectors have their pros and cons. The merit of the public sector is reduced expenses while the disadvantages are long waiting times and limited treatment options. Similarly, in the private sector, the advantage is speedy and personalized attendance and a variety of treatment options while the major disadvantage is high treatment costs (Lujan, 2017). Hence, a hybrid model overrides the pros and cons, thus providing adequate care for citizens.

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Regardless of one’s opinion on the subject, governments have a responsibility of providing healthcare services to their citizens because they play a central role in economic development. NYSNA was founded in 1901 as the first state association of nurses in the country. Throughout its history, NYSNA has had one mission: promoting the registered nurses’ interests and use its influence to advance the healthcare system. In New York, NYSNA is the largest professional body and union of registered nurses and the voice of thousands of nurses. The union’s vision is to win healthcare for all by bringing nurses to work together to win safe nursing and keep hospitals open for care. The nursing practice is being threatened by factors like under-staffing, de-skilling, and technological change.

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A comparison of the US and France reveals the extent of US involvement in healthcare and the outcome on the population. Comparing the level of access and innovation in the healthcare system, there are disparities in the two countries. For instance, France has extensive coverage characterized by high costs. However, in the US, the healthcare system is dynamic and innovative. With the high-cost levels, France can provide quality and amazing access to healthcare. Hence, despite the extensive involvement of the US in delivering healthcare, the measures indicate that the system is weak. What is the most important health disparity? Why do you believe this?” Globally, there are various levels of health disparities. The disparity in healthcare is defined as the differences in health and healthcare between people and populations.

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The disparity in healthcare is noticeable in dimensions such as age, location, socioeconomic status, gender, and disability orientation among others. Recently, these levels of inequality have garnered attention from physicians and health experts as well as federal health agencies (Artiga). Hence, the state should be keen in making healthcare reforms to avoid impacting the system negatively and reduce disparity levels. From the above discussion, it is evident that various factors contribute to the healthcare disparity in the country. These factors are diverse, complex, and interdependent and keep on evolving. Hence, to inform effective interventions that promote equity in health, it is essential to understand the underlying causes and conditions of health inequity. What changes do you think will have the biggest impact on patient safety in the next 10 years?” The healthcare system is very dynamic.

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Hence, this is the reason causing unintended harm to the patients when considering their safety. Payment reform is another area of potential change that is linked to patient safety. Considering the cost of defects, that is money paid for wastage that can be redirected to other important functions. When a bad incidence arises, it affects the patient and their families. Hence, to ensure patient safety in the future, stakeholders should consider reducing defects, which is a preventive approach and think about preventing the patients from risks. Currently, the major challenges facing nursing include compensation, violence at the workplace, long working durations, understaffing and workplace hazards. Among these challenges, I visualize that workplace hazards will still be the biggest challenge facing nurses.

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Each day, nurses face many hazards in their workplace while undertaking their duties. The common hazards among nurses include exposure to bloodborne pathogens, cold and flu germs, and injuries. The common tools of nurses include needles and other sharp tools as well as heavy equipment, which increase the rate of injury. In the US, physician-assisted suicide is prohibited through either statutory provisions or judicial applications. With some states in the US like Washington, Montana, Oregon, Vermont, and Colorado as well as countries like Japan, Columbia, Belgium, and Netherlands, legalizing the phenomenon has further heightened the debate (Sulmasy and Mueller, p. The subject has both proponents and critics who cite various ethical reasons to back their positions. Before settling on the debate, it is essential to consider the reasons given by both groups.

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