How Health Care Reform is Being Financed

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Health

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As such, financial demand becomes the drive of the whole process of reforming health care. Depending on the underlined areas of healthcare that needs reform, undertaking healthcare reforms requires enough funding in order to ensure the sustainability of the whole process (Kolstad & Kowalski, 2012). However, most studies have pointed out that financing health care reform has become a general issue in most healthcare facilities due to factors such as contradicting government and healthcare policies. The current report is an analysis of the issue of financing healthcare reforms as well as recommendations concerning the solutions to the issue. History of Financing Health Reform Understanding current health care economics is quite complicated. A proposal for the development of more Medicare and Medicaid programs was made. The programs increased government-funded coverage especially for people who had no medical insurance such as disabled, old adults, and poor people.

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In other words, the reform ensured equity in the distribution of healthcare resources to everyone. Definitely the main aim of a healthcare reform (Obama, 2016). President Nixon also continued with the policy of coverage, but after that, no president took the health care coverage seriously until 1992 when the first lady Hillary Clinton lead the government into promoting healthcare security act which was focused in providing healthcare coverage and controlling the cost at the same time. Current State of Health Reform Financing Despite the success achieved by the ACA health reforms, current studies indicate that financing health reforms are becoming an issue because the Republican who originally opposed the ACA policy, owning the government. According to Shi & Singh, (2015), curative medicine results to low returns on the improvement of health as the expenditures increases.

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The enactment of the Affordable Care Act has actually yielded a lot of health issues. Just like Shi and Singh illustrates, most Americans believe that the financing of the healthcare by the government according to the ACA has actually led to the disappearance of societal values and the American culture of the taxable healthcare program. The disappearance of societal values such as self-dependency has led to too much focus on social justice regarding health care deliveries. Nurses claim that the act has increased their roles as the deliverers of quality healthcare. Furthermore, readmission has also been rising due to insurance provided in 2013. Furthermore, the nurses have the challenge of advancing their professional studies due to the extra demands brought by the act, which requires them to manage, coordinate and provide the core quality healthcare.

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Furthermore, it is projected that the financing of healthcare reforms may be affected by racial disparities in America (Popescu, 2014). The author points out that the current healthcare financial reform may lead to high health costs for African Americans in the future. The authors also point out certain components of the ACA are being criticized especially by African Americans who have not attained the health insurance. Such people claim that a component such as a mandate to having insurance hinders people should be re-appealed by the government. Likewise to a requirement that states that all acceptable insurance that integrates all important benefits such as covering all illnesses should be considered and rewritten. Besides, healthcare provision by the government is not offered as a citizen right, despite its expensiveness (Niles, 2016). This indicates that in the coming year, the government is likely to increase the accessibility of healthcare facilities and programs.

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This, however, this did not yield good results as they policy continued to achieve critics from the Republican members who pose a threat to African Americans. Analysis of Financial Impact of the Recommendations Following the above recommendations, various expenditures will have to take place for their success. First, the reformation of the components of healthcare act would require revenue expenditure which would be a short-term requirement of finance. This would increase the rate of expenditures on healthcare financing reforms. Furthermore, regulation of specific strategies concerning a specific issue would be expensive but for a short period when the strategies are being implemented. Kowalski, A. E. The impact of health care reform on hospital and preventive care: evidence from Massachusetts. Journal of Public Economics, 96(11), 909-929. Enthoven, A. Jones & Bartlett Publishers. Mental, H.

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S. A. U. Maynard, A. Altman, S. H. Stearns, S. C. Thomson, S. McKee, M. Medical savings accounts: assessing their impact on efficiency, equity and financial protection in health care. Health Economics, Policy and Law, 11(3), 321-335.

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