Social and Environmental Factors Associated with a Mental Health Problem

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Health

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In several instances, it causes it hard to deal with day to day life. When an expert diagnoses a person and helps them to get treatment, they can always get the life back together again. This paper will mainly focus on PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder). In the past three decades, there has been a notable increase in PTSD study. This has been triggered by various high profile traumatic events such as wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the terrorist attacks across the world. Access to health care, nutritious food, and other social amenities are directly linked to personal and the society’s mental status. A lot of previously debated environmental factors related to mental illness are readily modifiable and identifiable. Knowledge of the various environmental factors that result in the development of PTSD can assist people, friends, co-workers, healthcare providers, and family members develop or use preventative interventions, screening services, early identification and sudden treatment approaches for the disorder The reason why some people get PTSD on the eve of a traumatic event while others are resilient is still a significant question in the study of trauma.

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The essentiality of genetic control on the risk of this disorder has been realized for about fifty years. Nevertheless, not much progress has been made in pointing out true or casual risk PTSD genetic variants. Also, the fear and other related emotions resolutions are import to recovery from the mental disorder. In this section, there is suggestions and collection of evidence for what is referred to as PTSD social ecology. This is a theoretical method to understand how PTSD recovery and risk are dependent on social phenomena. Interpersonal traumas Experience of fear related to trauma will in some way display the meaning attributed to the traumatic event. There is an observation supporting this claim that all traumas are not equal in the subsequent PTSD. A functioning social network offers a sense of safety to a person given the presence of a reliable, stable interpersonal connections.

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Specific forms of social mingling in this network can assist survivors of trauma to regulate their emotions, specifically mistrust, fear, and anxiety emotions. Social cognition The system of fear is modulated and responses to a social information range such as physical cues representations, sensory information, contextual cues and social knowledge stored or assumptions (race). Additionally, this kind of data influences non-conscious and conscious awareness levels. The findings propose that some mechanisms where discrete social experiences might influence fear acquisition, extinction, and processing. A typical gene-environmental implication is that the genetic predisposition of an individual to contract PTSD can differently manifest regarding different environmental situations. As the formulation is pleasant for its common sense expectations adherence, reliability, veracity, and utilization of environment interaction in Psychopathy are controversial. An individual can, therefore, be exposed to PTSD due to the kind of environment he exposed to.

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Natural catastrophes are mainly dependent on environment condition which are uncontrollable by man power. Such traumatic events which are uncontrollable by human nature are things like hurricanes, floods, mountain eruption and severe earthquakes. Seasons also react on the condition of mental health and shown by a seasonal affective disorder. Natural disasters can lead to mental disorder development such as posttraumatic stress disorders, anxiety, and moderate depression. A constructed environment such as furniture configuration, exterior noise sources, toxins, residential crowding, and lighting and so on are other factors that affect mental stability. Additionally, geographical location can influence access to mental health and other medical services. Access to health care, nutritious food, and other social amenities are directly linked to personal and the society’s mental status. Mental health education is essential to effective early detection, treatment, and prevention.

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Treatment and prevention are not only necessary for the wellbeing of an individual but also, good mental health brings happiness and lessens economic and social burdens caused by mental illness. Conclusion In general mental illness is an issue that is connected to serious extended consequences, ranging from social to physical detriments. It is, therefore, crucial to be aware of causes and development of different mental illnesses to detect, treat and prevent mental disorders efficiently and to lighten those consequences. On social factors, social bonds employ a strong influence on PTSD maintenance and development as the essential processes location which influences how a person responds to the traumatic occurrence. American Psychiatric Pub, 2013. Meyer, Ilan H. Prejudice, social stress, and mental health in lesbian, gay, and bisexual populations: conceptual issues and research evidence.

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Psychological Bulletin 129, no. Simonoff, Emily, Andrew Pickles, Tony Charman, Susie Chandler, Tom Loucas, and Gillian Baird.

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